Latest posts by chrome (see all)
- SUMMER TUNE! ::: A meeting of Sunny Boys ::: Sonnengruss X Amit Benita “See You Later” - July 2, 2021
- Pure Summer Vibes! “Apple of My Eye” by Jesse Whitney - April 19, 2021
- Dj Sosa – Orange Peel - April 12, 2021
The Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show (Bork, Bork, Bork)
runs into Björk,Quork, a Zork Computer, eats pork, much more and comes home to his beloved wife for dinner. Hilarious.. Another Robot Chicken presentation. [tags]Swedish chef, Muppet show, Bjork, zork, pork, Quork, Robot Chicken, Ork, Mork [/tags] |