Politics (or from the White House with Love)



1. Fellow Fascist Alberto Gonazales resigns

2. The Karl Rove Legacy via PBS (video)

3. The REAL threat to Americans Charts (guess what – it´s not terrorism)

4. Holocaust Survivor leaving US (article)

5. Daily Show Video- “You don´t know Dick” via the Largest Minority (this is a instant classic)

6. The Washington Child Sex Ring implicating the Bush White House (Article).

7. The Documents for the CIA´s plan to kill Fidel Castro.

8. Incarcarex: a new bottom line in US drug policy – great animation

9. Cheneys thoughts on Iraq in 1994.

10. Bush makes fun of himself. Incredible. He found a speech writer with sarcasm.

11. The Bush White House campaign to deny Global Warming.

12. Donald Trump on G.W. Bush (video)