Kolt 13


Bild 10

A word about Kolt 13 – this guy seems to be one of the up and coming producers/ remixers. All his tunes are in our crates (well laptops), some work better than others and some things have to find its yet definetly best fitting sound, but he after a handful of remixes has already a trademark sound. How many people can claim that? And his take on Empire of the Sun has climbed the hypem charts last week – which it definitely deserved, so that was good to see. Let me show some more support by posting 3 more of his tunes and establish this guy as a name with its rightful place and a constant spot on any music roundup on the webs.


DELUCE-Lion’s heart (KOLT13 ghost remix)


Chromeo – Night By Night _KOLT13 Ghetto Remix


major lazer-hold the line(kolt13 remix)

Love here >>> Kolt13 ::::Twitter:::Myspace::::Hypem::::