Tag: don rimini

Crookers this Friday pt II


Here is the 2nd part – Crookers this Friday @ Theaterfabrik with Birdy Nam Nam, alongside the acid kids and myself. Check out the discogs list of the Crookers to see what these two have produced in such a short amount of time. Truly outstanding.

Here are two classic tracks from these dudes – actually both are productions for or with other artists:


The first one is the second work they have done with US phenomena Kid Cudi called “Embrace The Martian (Feat. KiD CuDi)“. Their first work being “Day n Night (Crookers Rmx)”, which elevated both these artists to a different plateau and made them a household name throughout the dance scene globally and even managed to top the UK charts some 20 months ago.

The 2nd tune being:


Let_Me_Back_Up- Don Rimini (Crookers_Remix)

This most have been the most played Crookers track in 2008. I still love this tune and cant get it outta my head. Like the perfect soundtrack to a cool Robocalypse movie.