Tag: filous

Sonnengruss feat Matt Kovac “Day & Night” (Deep Chills Remix)

Sonnengruss ft Matt Kovac - Day & Night (Deep Chills Remix) ChromeMusic

A brand new offering from Deep Chills and the so far mysterious Sonnengruss that i had the pleasure of meeting a few months back and that wasn´t even to be found on the social Medias. Their entire production is based on wonderful modern melodical house segments. With Sonnengruss we get a huge act, which wants to conquer the festivals and clubs next year with their unique songs! “Day & Night” could easily be one of the strongest Tunes this summer! We are so excited about their upcoming releases!

Find Sonnengruss on Facebook // Instagram // Soundcloud 

Find Matt Kovac on Facebook 

Find Deep Chills on Facebook // Instagram 


filous – How Hard I Try ft. James Hersey


We just had one of this lovely warm summer nights last week with James Hersey live on stage and a glass of red wine. A week later the sun escaped again but filous brings back the chilled summer vibe with his first original track ever of his upcoming EP “Dawn”. Thumbs up for this collaboration with James Hersey, to me filous is always telling something like – don’t worry, everything will be alright or just relax, world is turning anyway. Always a good feeling, can’t wait for the EP :)

filous on Facebook ::: Twitter ::: Instagram

James Hersey on Facebook ::: Twitter ::: Instagram

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