Huge video, not really disturbing or overdone with subliminal satanic and masonic messages like the rest of pop music these days, but i like my music videos, the way my YouTube channels are when they show how TV shows are on CNN, NBC & co. Fake and staged. Looks like a good topic for a song. Solid groove and solid track. Dig it!
Just hanging out on holiday and this sweet album came across. Lara dropped us a line, for her awesome track “Voodoo Doll” but i think her entire album deserves some attention. Voodoo Doll is my favorite after many a listens, but still her work needs to be listened and appreciated as a whole or holistically ;)
I think many can get with this, after everything these days is music, cut down, designed and portioned as fast food for easier and faster digestion. Lara makes honest and real music and that is something i came to appreciate a lot after even more things become, not only politically and in the media, an echo chamber, but even in music, which i think is even worse. So i salute this sweet artist and here sincere album. Welcome Lara Antebi ::: Bandcamp ::: Spotify ::: Website ::: Zuckerbook
Missed indie tracks that sounded like this a lot, there simple are not enough out there. There used to a golden age for these kind of songs and i am happy to have found this little gem. Enjoy while it last and welcome Loyal Lobos, hailing from Colombia!
Follow Loyal Lobos ::: soundcloud
If you’re following my posts and actually read my sometimes too “diary-styled” thoughts about the music I am sharing with the world, you might know me well enough to understand why this post needs to be in my collection. Simply the words “Buddha”, “Real” plus a tasteful and creative video are enough to get my attention. Even better if the actual song makes fun as well :) Have fun watching this inspiring video below and show some love in supporting this likeable guys called “Buddha Trixie”, who do NOT surf rock music! ;)
Facebook ::: Soundcloud ::: Bandcamp
Even though this tune came out in February i catch myself listening to it quite often recently, considering i take life as one long moment, these things just don’t matter. It might just make your playlists more diverse, apart from the over produced beat driven euro trash music that’s pumping everywhere. This one’s a soothing sound.