Tag: jan

This Saturday: Ingolstadt meets YUM YUM

This Saturday: Ingolstadt meets YUM YUM
Saturday, Sep 25th
Maki, Ingolstadt (via Google Maps)
Not FX // D-Nice!
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Top Tunes September

With summer gone, at least in our calendars, there’s more time for partying. For those who still need more warmth, YUM YUM this saturday at the Maki is just the right thing. The DJ booth is filled with love and talented guys. Not FX & D-Nice from Munich, already known for their legendary nights, will make sure that we have a blast. So stop by and enjoy the saturday night with us.

[haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Janelle-Monae-Cold-War.mp3″ title=”Janelle Monae – Cold War” graphical=”true”]

Janelle Monae – Cold War