Tag: rob homer

***YUM YUM Manchester Premiere*** this Thursday @ Walrus, April 2nd

***kicking it off in Manchester*** and spreading some positive vibes***

I’m happy to announce the first Yum Yum Manchester @ Walrus lounge bar on Thursday April 2nd… located in the heart of the Northern Quarter, Walrus is a refreshing change to your average club/bar and we’re over the moon about Yum Yum’s latest home. Musical and interior stylings aside, Walrus has some of the tastiest food and cocktails in town! Joining Manchester residents Steve “Illâ€? Kinevil & Robzilla will be Yum Yum head honcho Chrome (munich) and Duisburg’s main man Tand Williams. Meet us downstairs @ 9pm onwards… hop on down early and pick up an exclusive Yum Yum mix CD from our family of DJs.

+++Join our party in Manchester on facebook ***&*** join the YUM YUM Manchester facebook group+++

check out the new venue here! (www.walrusmanchester.com)

here’s our new little mix – full post and tracklist below:

