There is this girl called Emiliana Torrini who is completely new to me, but she is obviously not new to the music scene. She wrote and produced hits for Kylie Minogue, contributed songs to the lord of the rings theme and what not but she sounds like a Björk you actually want to listen to. These two tracks of her new album are playing on heavy rotation right now. Shop her album on amazon.
Emiliana Torrini – Me And Armini
[audio:]Emiliana Torrini – Jungle Drum
New artist 88 keys, who is hyped by Kannoye West, puts out his debut album. This song features our favourite rapper Kid Cudi and is fun to listen to.
88 Keys – Ho’ Is Short For Honey
Justin Timberlake leaked a song from his upcoming album that totally heads for the dancefloor and it is produced, of course… by scandinavians Stargate. But this is what you expect a Timberlake to sound like and I’m sure it will be a YUM YUM favourite.
And Lilly Allen aka mini winehouse is back with a new tune and a new album. We’ll see what she will come up with. She said she wants to change her sound in a more electronic way… well who doesn’t.