Tag: trap rap

Introducing Mafia Soul Records – Official Playlist

I found out about Mafia Soul Rec via Submithub, when whoever send it through spammed my inbox with about 2 or 3 pages of submissions, but honestly spammed is not the right word, since this guy showed perseverance. I listened to some of the tracks and some were phenomenal, other of course not but having just a few outstanding tracks these days sets you apart from anyone else. After answering about 20 reviews and declining most, i asked the guy to send through a playlist so i could save me some time on the blog posts. Got it within the hour. Again playlist was phenomenal, so here we are.

I am as of now on encouraging spamming by submithub account, bc just one song could and mostly is not enough to get the bigger picture of an act or a label like Mafia Soul Rec. The names or other prejudiced views might hold you back, but that’s just your ego speaking. And to ya’ll Mafia Soul artists you really have a guy pushing for you and holding it down on the marketing side. Expect another Mafia Soul post within the day. Everybody else get with it and follow the soul mobsters one by one on InstaG :::  :::  :::  :::  :::  :::  :::  :::

ALIVE by Cam Archer 

Another unknown emcee ready to aka the stage. Dig this a lot, reminds me a but of a lot of big names, but no knocking him on this blog, he def has his own style. Get introduced to Cam Archer and give “Alive” a spin.