Tag: wonderful night

YUM YUM Ingolstadt feat. Tand Williams & Tommy Montana

This Saturday another amazing party is taking place at the Maki Club in Inglewood!
Again with our beloved fellows Tand Williams & Tommy Montana who have already experienced this location. They know how to make you dance.

So be prepared and get in the mood while listening to this nice tune…
[haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Fatboy-Slim-Wonderful-Night.mp3″ title=”Fatboy Slim – Wonderful Night” graphical=”true”]
Fatboy Slim – Wonderful Night

Please also RSVP to the event and join our group on Facebook!

P.S.: Since last week we have another great online channel on YouTube where we share our favorite music videos and epic moments of past party nights with you!