Yum Yum Manchester 7th May

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For this month’s Yum Yum we’ve got something a bit special lined up in the guest department… we’re not giving it away just yet but we’ll let you in on the secret soon enough.

As a clue… Original Fabric party boy [6,7]

stay tuned for more info. Remember to join us on the Manchester Facebook group


Here we go folks, bean spillin’ time!

We are pleased to announce that the guest for May 7th is none other than Damon Baxter, aka original Fabric resident and party boy Deadly Avenger! Now releasing under the moniker Dorothy’s Fortress for his Destroy All Planets label, Damon will be kicking back with us and spinning some gems from his weird and wonderful box of vinyl.

So join us next Thursday for what promises to be a great night with Stevie Kinevil, Robzilla and of course guest of honour Mr Baxter… 9pm – 2am downstairs @ Walrus Bar FREE ENTRY!

Get down early to grab this month’s exclusive mix CD… limited numbers to give away and judging by how fast Volume 2 flew out they won’t be around for long, don’t miss out.

See ya down the front ;)

PS Don’t forget about the Yum Yum cocktails, only available @ Walrus on Yum Yum nights!


EVENT: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=83979255777&ref=nf