Very solid production from connoisseur, taken from the remix package. Here are all the details:
Available: fanlink /// Follow @ftrsl: twitter ::: Zuckerbook ::: instagram ::: spotify
Very solid production from connoisseur, taken from the remix package. Here are all the details:
Available: fanlink /// Follow @ftrsl: twitter ::: Zuckerbook ::: instagram ::: spotify
Official new Mafia Soul Release , came out like yesterday. And it is catchy AF! Savage Contemporary Soul, and of course he is taking about the green girl. Get with it.
I found out about Mafia Soul Rec via Submithub, when whoever send it through spammed my inbox with about 2 or 3 pages of submissions, but honestly spammed is not the right word, since this guy showed perseverance. I listened to some of the tracks and some were phenomenal, other of course not but having just a few outstanding tracks these days sets you apart from anyone else. After answering about 20 reviews and declining most, i asked the guy to send through a playlist so i could save me some time on the blog posts. Got it within the hour. Again playlist was phenomenal, so here we are.
I am as of now on encouraging spamming by submithub account, bc just one song could and mostly is not enough to get the bigger picture of an act or a label like Mafia Soul Rec. The names or other prejudiced views might hold you back, but that’s just your ego speaking. And to ya’ll Mafia Soul artists you really have a guy pushing for you and holding it down on the marketing side. Expect another Mafia Soul post within the day. Everybody else get with it and follow the soul mobsters one by one on InstaG ::: Pkaldone ::: Arius ::: T.Hill ::: MafiaSoulRecords ::: Wntr Aln ::: Rauziel ::: Kellz :::
Very solid Debut single and first release by ZOMO. Captivating track and i guess a first indication of what they are capable of and what we can expect from them. Hope their next release is not in the middle of the summer.
Catch them on ::: Spotify ::: Instagram ::: Twitter ::: Zuckerbook ::: Youtube :::
Just a heartfelt song by Kate Grom. Haven’t heard of her before, and never bothered googling her… um, i mean duckduckgo’ing her. But i added her on Spotify. This reminds me of many great songwriters and that country style makes it all the way sweeter even if it’s not a european flavor at all. Pretty much like the Dixie Chicks used to be when they were still good, good days… Thanks Kate for an honest country tune.
This tune really sticks with you, long after you stopped playing it. Always the strongest indicator for a strong tune. This one has all the clichés & trademarks of a 80’s synth pop anthem, and it is really that strong imho to be, although fictitious, an 80’s classic. It uses the obvious sounds and techniques flawlessly w/o ever compromising with todays state of the art sounds, mixing methods and that is normally an absolute No Go in my book, bc even if you take a retro or genre based anti stance, you have to adjust to the fact that listening habits changed, devices changed, the mixing of sounds, the effect settings have gone through a major change, and consumption in total has become fundamentally different, as the general attention span decreases by the months. This tune by BoganVia ignores all the above completely, and actually defies my thesis, but surprisingly works better than most other songs (99% i come across), and it transports fun above all else, w/o ever having to make a fool of itself. Ahoy BoganVia, may your star burn bright and long!
Follow the duo on : Website ::: Facebook ::: Twitter ::: ::: Songkick :::YouTube