Recap of YUM YUM Ingolstadt last Saturday

Last Saturday YUM YUM  Ingolstadt already went down for the fourth time, and it´s been a constant evolution since then. But it really looks like YUM YUM has arrived amogst the most favourite partys in town, espescially since this time we had to challange the third biggest beerfest in Germany (and apparently a must visit for all people in the region)  which was participating only a few miles away and almost all the students gone for holiday . But none of the less the dancefloor was filled pretty early and a really nice party was on its way. Dan Gerous and myself kept the crowd alive till the early morning and only the closing hour was able to stop us. Next month DJ duties are up to Tand Williams and Not FX

Have a look at the few existing photos   (unfortunally none of the prime time)

and by now you can also join our YUM YUM Ingolstadt Facebook Group

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