DJ Wool/Sharkslayer

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Here’s a couple tunes that have really been doing it for me recently… silly things like work have been leaving me with little time to find new music of late, but I’m happy to be able to share these with you (with the artists’ blessing!)

First up is Sharkslayer from Helsinki, sure you all know them already… loving this track right now, mostly because of the way the soulful little breakdown kicks back into the main riff… a real feel-good moment.

I’ll Be Around – Sharkslayer


Also DJ Wool has kindly given us this… his remix of Izza Kizza’s “Hello Euro”, I’ve really been digging Wool’s style since I heard the WTF reminx… all his tracks have that infectious little something that just make you wanna bounce! Keep a look out for his next single “Strobelight”, I’m sure it’s going to be a big tune. More to come on Chromemusic from DJ Wool in the coming weeks, in the meantime… enjoy!

Hello (DJ Wool Remix) Euro
