
Nr 3 on our X-mas Advent Calendar holds a Free Download of one of our favourite releases on our brand new Chrome Music Label. It just came out and still has room and time to grow and shine. The story behind this tune is that the original, which is one of the most beautiful acoustic songs in my collection, has been a long time favourite on our side of life. Remixing or rather re-imagining this tune proved to be tougher than originally anticipated. How would you change anything to the better, if you already think it’s perfect? So i took a diff approach and got inspired by a movie called “the Red Turtle” and took on its dark, menacing but still loving and humane touch. And this is where the animation comes from in the video.

I am really happy with the way PFOS turned out and it’s definitely a track for our monthly Top Tunes selection. Time to bring those back I’d say ;)
Listen to PFOS on Spotify and/or for the Djs & Collectors : Grab the free download below.