Sallie Ford & the Sound Outside “Danger”


The moment i heard this tune i was hooked on this bands sound. Hard to describe… feels like something out of time, and no words can ever describe a feeling, at best those words are signposts. So i am not even gonna try, give it a listen and do as i did and buy their highly recommandable EP “Not an Animal” right here via paypal (its just 5 bucks anyway!). This bands gonna go places. I feel the sun shining through in their music, i feel like sippin a cold lemonade under a summer tree near the lake… and seriously it has such an open and positive vibe (aargh words again) – Simply love this band.

Here is one tune: (remeber to get the rest)


Sallie Ford & the Sound Outside “Danger”

This goes right into what we play and consider YUM YUM music. Show them some love. really considering bringing them over to the EU for a couple of gigs.

Hug em on::::twitter::::facebook::::their website::::

here is a video i found