Everydayz & Phazz – Almeria (20syl Remix) 

20syl‘s unique beatmaking style manifests itself again in his latest remix for Everydayz & Phazz’s song “Almeria”. A bouncy beat with neat vocals chops are making this remix pretty tight.

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Hospital – Louder

hospital chromemusic

The last time I wrote about the 4 guys from Hospital it has been winter over here and I could just dream about how I’d listen to their charming indie pop music outside while having a cold beer. That’s exactly what I am doing tonight just with their new single “Louder” :) Thank you guys for sending me your music and I hope you are able to enjoy some warm summer nights in Russia as well…

Hospital on Facebook ::: Soundcloud


About time!!! Maggie Rogers – Alaska [Lakechild Edit] FREE Download


Last weeks Viral sensation was that Maggie Rogers vid where she played her song to Pharrell, who loved her beautiful music and gave her some sound advice or better gave her a great confirmation on how good her song really was! Everybody loved that vid and it was beautiful to see a new artist get such good vibes from one of music’s greatest artists.
I think everybody and his dog shared that video, but rightfully so and a few mere days later obviously it climbed the hypem charts and instantly became one of the most sought after tracks online.
Of course a flood of edits and remixes was supposed to come in, since Djs would be playing the hell out of that tune, and i was expecting nothing too fancy but i didn’t find a single good one.
Imagine my surprise when the only good one was by my good friends Lakechild, who didn’t even bother to send a mail to all their friends and fans or make a huge fuss about it, but simply did it! There are a lot of heads out there waiting to drop this tune in their sets, so thanks for a very useful tune Lakechild!