YUM YUM this Friday, April 21st

This Fridays YUM YUM is gonna be a good one, we are having all kind of remixes done,
and there is plenty of new music around (self produced) – (not too much being released laztely). But two things that we are absolutely digging are the Raconteurs (Jack Whites supergroup) and the new Red Hot CHilli Peppers song “Dani California”. Check both of them out and expect to hear them in an altered YUM YUM Version. Also intersting is that Gnarls Barkley (Dangermouse and Ceelo) Tune thats just ripping up the U.K. (It’s even No. 1 on their charts) and that we linked to earlier.

Ps hope you all are liking the updates made on our site and there is more to come in the form of a new MIX-Cd and another little party that we are throwing – but more on that in the next few days. Ta-daa

Let’s bomb Iran – Music Video

MTV REPLACEMENT – Music Video of the week pt 2

Let’s bomb Iran. FUNNY OF THE WEEK!!!

Amazing video – and soon too be true. Dead on point information with a great tune to back it up. Sheeple might agree on bombing Iran after this one although it states the opposite. Brainwash is now easier than ever before, because it is ot necessary anymore. Sheeple will do and will agree on anything these days.

Royalty free photos


Royalty free photos for your web usage. Beautiful catalogue and one of the many sources we use… Seriously – a great site with tons of well done and useful material. Most of comes via FlickR – so you know they are also leaving the old dusted laws & concepts of ownership behind and are sailing on to new shores… Definitely part of my world…