Tag: fanart

The Ting Tings – Sounds from Nowheresville

I’m not good at following up on my Twitter account so I kinda missed the mysterious leak of the new Ting Tings record and didn’t buy it till yesterday.


I was a bit disappointed at first, but that’s only because I scan new records in a can-I-play-that-at-the-club-mode.

So after listening to the record for a few times I gotta admit the we-arrange-the-lp-like-a-playlist thing totally works for me and I really like the diversity of the LP.

Don’t worry though, even after a 4 year gap you can still tell it’s a Ting Tings original for every song (also you can tell that part of it has been recorded during their Berlin stay).

It appears the record company was so pleased with the first demos that they (The Ting Tings) deleted them completely and started recording completely new songs.

I guess it’s only fitting the cover has been made from fan art. Also it explains what took them 4 years to complete the new record. I kinda imagine the look of their record company’s dude at the phone when telling him like this.

Of course everybody has been waiting for Soul Killing but my secret favorite song would either be One by One (listen below) or the previously released Hands (which only is included with the Deluxe Edition, I think). The Deluxe Edition btw comes with a bunch of remixes plus additional songs. It contains 19 tracks compared to 10 which come with the standard edition.

[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/One-By-One.mp3|titles=The Ting Tings – One By One]
The Ting Tings – One by One

Web / Facebook / Twitter / iTunes (Germany)

What’s your favorite song? Leave a comment!

Ps: In case you haven’t read those posts or you simply wanna find out more about The Ting Tings follow the rabbit and you’ll find all Ting Tings related posts at chromemusic.