Tag: jamaica


Just stumbled over two nice track by “Jamaica” called “Cross the Fader” & “Short & Entertaining”. I guess you all know the first single “I Think I Like U 2”, nonetheless I wanna share it again in decent quality (+ the Database Remix). So in case that you like their music, you may show them some love on their site, buy their new album as soon as it is released (end of august) or even listen to their older tunes, since they are actually no new band (Jamaica was formerly know as “Poney Poney” and their older tunes sound pretty much the same – with slight difference).

And now have fun listening to the following tracks!


Jamaica – Cross The Fader


Jamaica – Short And Entertaining

The first single + remix:


Jamaica – I Think I Like U 2


Jamaica – I Think I Like U 2 (Database Remix)

Good Mood Mood Good

Two guys from Paris, who do this french style pop..very cool summer stuff so put your headphones on and enjoy JAMAICA.

[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/I-Think-I-Like-U-2.mp3|titles=Jamaica – I Think I Like U 2]Jamaica – I Think I Like U 2

[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Jamaica-I-think-I-like-U2-breakbo.mp3|titles=Jamaica – I think I like U2 (breakbot remix)]Jamaica – I think I like U2 (breakbot remix)

Watch this gorgeous video, because if it was a chewing gum it would definitely be a Hubba Bubba!!!

JAMAICA – I Think I Like U 2 VIDEO from bermudapants on Vimeo.