Tag: kafka tamura

Kafka Tamura – Bones (LEEX Remix)

bones leex chromemusic

It’s been a long time since we’ve first heard of the German producer LEEX and his lovely tropical vibes. I remember how impressed we’ve been by his detailed production skills and the quality in any Remix he is doing. It is not surprising that since then he has done several mixes for the big ones like Lana del Rey, Marlon Roudette and many others. For me it’s always a pleasure to see young talents like him evolving and following their path. One more of his undeniable tropical songs is his new Remix of Kafka Tamura’s “Bones”. At the latest now the summer is in the city :)

LEEX facebook ::: soundcloud ::: twitter ::: instagramKafka Tamura Facebook ::: Twitter ::: Youtube

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Kafka Tamura – No Hope (Winterkind Remix)

kafka tamura winterkind remix chromemusic

The Kafka Tamura identity is clearly as resonant on stage as it is on record, with Emma’s voice carefully weaving between sharp beats and raw electronics.

Well often all it takes is a remix to get noted in the digital world. I never heard of Kafka Tamura before, but i am sure to check them out now, since this remix delivers all the right emotional feels & state of the art production that i am looking for in music nowadays. The original song is a beautiful tune, but in the world of streams, notifications, nanoseconds ADD audiences i guess this ‘compressed’ remix is all it takes for me to a) want to know about a band and b) want to see them live. Right in the feels man (ooompph) and surely much appreciated here at ChromeMusic. Cop it via iTunes or follow the band via the links below… Ps i sure hope this is just a start.

Follow Kafka Tamura on Facebook // Twitter // Youtube // buy on iTunes

Fair share of applause for the remixer: Winterkind on Soundcloud // Facebook

[soundcloud id=’200603153′]