Tag: lions head

Lions Head – True Love (Lyric Video by Mi-Zo)

By far my favourite, arty lyric video that is out there. By now i got bored to death (no not by the religion of peace) but by all those animated fonts dancing in circles to give meaningless words from even more empty meaningless songs some kind of cucked beta meaning. This is honest and has nothing to do with ‘True Love’, and ever since i quit working with LNZHD, to chase my own ideas of music, i think their sound has improved a 100% and they went all the way! Ignacio has significantly matured and his new song is by far the best LNZHD i have heard this far. He fulfilled his vision of how lnzhd or actually he has to sound and come across, and it reflects the man i know better than what everybody else “in his corner” has been spoonfeeding him. Finally there is some sincerity and the sound is a bit rough around the edges, w/o over compromising and none of that teenage latin lover crap “industry connoisseurs” have been pushing on him (aka pushing their own agendas and careers). Also, very good job Tati & Eric – must have taken some nerves man! A lot of punching and pushing and screaming and having to do everything by yourselves! Best thing is you did it all by yourselves folks and doesn’t that feel just right?! Best damn feeling in the world. My favourite piece of non-goatfucker music out there. To everybody reading this, make sure your artists get off that R&B fagfest happening atm. Very well an international tune and a definitive WIN. I see this going places!

Maybe you now understand why i was against that whole early major label signing. Give acts room to breathe first. Godspeed!

Premiere & Free DL! Lions Head – P.I.M.P (50 Cent Acoustic Cover)

Lions Head went back into the studio to record their imprompto cover version of 50 Cent’s ‘P.I.M.P’, they used to play on stages while touring through europe. The orginal is a alltime classic and you can’t go wrong with an acoustic cover (man + guitar) in this noisy world. So congrats Lions Head we love the spin on it and you’re officially pimps now w/o dropping “wigger” or the “N bomb” once! In a 50 cent cover!

To all the producers out there, you should give it a nice danceable house/tropical/future spin and check back with us to test your results. Ps: Send us your remix and we’re going to post it if we like it. Happy weekend errbody!

Free Download https://www.hive.co/l/8s7w

Lions Head on Facebook ::: Soundcloud ::: Instagram

WIN! Great Match: Lakechild feat. Lions Head – Diskostrand

diskostrand lions head chromemusic

The collaboration between Lakechild and Lions Head is like a dream coming true to me. Ever since Lakechild popped up with ‘Diskostrand’ last year I was looking forward to a proper official release with some vocals on top. And guess what: That is exactly what they did –  Lions Head’s vocals are a perfect match to the atmosphere Nikolas & Dominik have created. I bet the studio session was pure fun in putting this beautiful peace of music together.

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Get ‘Lakechild ft. Lions Head – Diskostrand’ here ::: Beatport ::: iTunes ::: Amazon

Follow Lakechild ::: Soundcloud ::: Facebook
Follow Lions Head ::: Soundcloud ::: Facebook
Follow Tanz Dich Glücklich ::: Soundcloud ::: Facebook

Sonnengruss feat Matt Kovac “Day & Night” (Deep Chills Remix)

Sonnengruss ft Matt Kovac - Day & Night (Deep Chills Remix) ChromeMusic

A brand new offering from Deep Chills and the so far mysterious Sonnengruss that i had the pleasure of meeting a few months back and that wasn´t even to be found on the social Medias. Their entire production is based on wonderful modern melodical house segments. With Sonnengruss we get a huge act, which wants to conquer the festivals and clubs next year with their unique songs! “Day & Night” could easily be one of the strongest Tunes this summer! We are so excited about their upcoming releases!

Find Sonnengruss on Facebook // Instagram // Soundcloud 

Find Matt Kovac on Facebook 

Find Deep Chills on Facebook // Instagram 


Jean Blanc ft Chu – Dear Blue Sea

jean blanc dear blue sea chromemusic

Just last week we had some beers with our friend Tobi aka Jean Blanc and he – like many others – seemed pretty desperate about the whole Soundcloud situation. Step by step the major labels are putting down all the good remixes, edits, mixtapes and mash ups which incorporate originals owned by them. You can open an endless conversation about the political or philosophical background here. For people like us – who think copyright laws are generally flawed and antique and who started in a time before “this” internet got popular – this whole conversation is ridiculous. Our YUM YUM account got striked and deleted too and the years of effort to get a couple of thousand of followers are just gone with one click. Over and out. Of course this makes us sad too but at the same time this turn has been forseeable. Same with Reddit, or actually any closed system online. When you are nerdy like us and you follow all the articles and discussions you can see how Reddit becomes more and more a corrupting thing used by the big one corporations and online profiteers who sell their souls to the highest bidder. Independency is used and abused like Starbucks uses the phrase “fair trade”.
Anyway, let’s come back to Jean Blanc and the beers (see, we had more than one ;)). Besides all this moaning we still believe that chaos and opportunity are the same thing (ok that’s actually stolen by the chinese Daoists but as I said before – we don’t take copyright that seriously). And so do many other people around us. This world won’t stop turning and something new will show up after Soundcloud has imploded as has happened before. So let’s not waste our time with complaining. Instead let’s focus on the beautiful things in life. Like this song for example. For us it’s a pleasure to see artists like Jean Blanc evolving and following their creative path. “Dear Blue Sea” is his 1st official release ever and will be out on the 17th of July.  Sadly enough it’s just a snippet which the copyright authorities on top allow us to hear – a 90 sec snippet – and still we are already loving it. I will hear this on many mixtapes to come and I am truly thankful for emotional music at this time, where everybody has a hipster or a corporate state of mind.

Stay curious, stay free and have your own mind in this crazy world we live in. Or don’t have any opinion or nothing to say. Then just close your eyes and listen to this beauty. It’s worth it :)

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