Tag: party

Dj Klevers playing in munich w Schowi on Sat Feb 12th @ the Air & Style Afterparty

Klevers playing in Munich, gonna be mayhem anyways, at the Official Air & Style afterparty, and as if this wasnt enough he is teaming up with one of our main YUM YUM folks, Schowi, to deliver a one of a kind night on Sat Feb 12th. If you havent heard of Klever yet, on this side of the atlantic, well be in for a treat, the mans almost like one of our people, and as his & our buddy Hannibal so eloquently put it: “he blows my mind every time!”. Our man Creathief is the one who will bring him through, the other date in germany will be in Frankfurt on Feb 11th @Cocoon.

Klevers history is story best read by yourself, but it goes deep and he is another member of the infamous Allies crew, that also included A-trak & dj Craze, so you know where this will be going musically.

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Get your online Tickets here and make sure not to miss this fella!

I have included a video in this post, a remix by Klever and 2 older mixtapes that i found online. Have fun with it and make sure to chekc the man out, muiscal boundaries will be nonexistent and the whole Snowboard Worldchampionship Air&Style will provide more than enough party hungry folks in for some serious sound-bashing. Be in for a treat

PS. this whole thing a part of a 3 stop tour de force party in munich, starting on SUN Ispo Party Feb 6th @ Location unknown, then THUR Feb 10th @Crux the official Air & Style warmup party, and finishing off with a grand finale on SAT feb 12th @ Ex Schrannenhalle with Klever & Schowi.


Dj Klever – Carpe Mixxx (39:40 s/m)


All the girls around the worls (( Klever So So Death Remix ))

YUM YUM this Saturday, October 9th in Munich

YUM YUM this Saturday, October 9th in Munich
9th October 2010
Puerto Giesing (via Google Maps)
Chrome // Max Mausser // Not:fx!
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Top Tunes September

A new & massive one going down, this Saturday and finally the O-fest is O-ver, so its all back to normal with our town and expect less german clichees at the party ;0

Djs will be Chrome, Max Mausser & Not:fx, the party clique …lol. Be in for a surprise as Coco & Andi unfold their Pac Man Labyrinth. And win some of our 7″ singles, YUM YUM tees and more- its all in our Newsletter

A few news for this week: This Wednesday we are hosting the Aloe Blacc show in munich, we have some brand new YUM YUM vinyl 7″es and the new YUM YUM Top tunes will be upon us this friday, lol. Enjoy have fun and hold tight for our new YUM YUM mixtapes coming out October 16th. ps :::: how to really kiss a woman

chromemusic pres: CHIDDY BANG live in Munich this Sunday

check out their mighty nice video of “Kids”

Yes hands down, i am really looking forward to seeing these guys live. I found out about Chiddy Bang, i’d say about a year and a half ago, maybe longer. Not much after that, Xaphoon the producer started sending me promo mp3s of their latest tunes and mixtapes – you know how that game goes. And its really good to see them get around a bit internationally – not only on tour, but to currently reach the UK Charts and also the German Charts, cause not only to me are they probably the coolest new hip hop band around. Their sound is different, they sample Radiohead, Hot Chip, MGMT add some fine synth sounds and have some really nice rhymes on top…..and thats exactly how they made it on May 2009 mixtape YUM YUM Vol. 9.

So this Sunday they are playing live – for the first time in Germany !!! (like Stromae did @ YUM YUM in Berlin) – come down to see them perform live this Sunday in munich, i really wanted them to play live @ YUM YUM but we simply couldn’t find any matching dates. Anyways, thank god Mondays a holiday so this is gonna be a long night with my peoples Max Mausser & D-Nice taking over the turntables after the show and making it a great Sunday night venue. This is gonna be massive

RSVP to the party on Facebook  chromemusic pres. CHIDDY BANG live (live show & party)

Chromemusic Party “Bloggers Delight” this Saturday in Munich


We came up with this just a couple of hours ago – literally – we had been planning on doing this party for some time now, it was just lacking opportunities and good spots and/or proper sound systems. THIS venue is off the hook – amazing spot in the middle of all Munich based operations @Müllerstr 3 right behind Cafe King, in an old renovated & soundproofed Yoga Loft.Its gonna be open for 4 weeks only before they tear down the building. So enjoy these 4 weeks in the L.O.F.T.

Its gonna be on this Saturday. Here is a google map of how to get there BUT hey you ought to know Cafe King right? The entrance is up the stairs, but we’ll hook up some flashy lights for ya’all to see.

DJs will be: Chrome, Not:fx, Superrookie & Max Mausser. This what we all have been waiting for : finally another venue – which is next to Gaertnerplatz, ever since Registratur closed down and cafe King is due to close down by January 30th. So enjoy the time while it lasts.

You are gonna see some party pics next week and see what i mean. Its the perfect weekend, still holidays and everyone’s officially back to work next monday and not a single noteworthy party coming our way. So see you Saturday

RSVP to the Party on Facebook

YUM YUM & Friends – Huuuge NYE Party in munich


First time ever Munich made it happen. All the major & relevant parties combined, coming together for an awesome NYE. Everybody has their own room, soundsystem and dancefloor instead of making it a big mess – like the huge places normally do. Make sure t0 come down – this is gonna be awesome. The very First time Munich manages to pull it off together.

The subtitle to the New Years Eve party is “München feiert gemeinsam” which sums it up pretty much if you comprende german. All the parties involved are what makes up this city – not the club owners (they only rely on bookings) – but the guys actually delivering the music, the content and defining this city. This is who we are and i am darn glad that we for once, are all in this together.

The Parties & Floors are:

  • Bobble, Top Friend & So Not Berlin (think noise and thousand kids going mental)
  • Horses, Cars & Stars ( the bar, fashion shop and hipster venue that helped define a lot in this town)
  • KeinMusik & Stock 5 (think delicate electronic music)
  • Hip Hop Nye (0711 Entertainment – The Magnificent & Ghettoblaster Classikz – the only real, real hip hop spot on NYE in munich)

If you dont know these parties you are missing out on something – each one has a crowd, reputation and is huge by itself. There is a also gonna be a food court (with a bavarian sandwich stand, my favourite japanese place has its own stand, a hot dog stand and a soup kitchen) and lots of spots and seats, so you can chill, chat and enjoy the cheeses.

Ps this is what the blueprint of the place looks like and where you can find each party and floor – so you know your way around:


The whole thing starts at 10pm – and after the fireworks (huuuge outside area prepared) all the parties start at 0.00 sharp. Be in for THE treat this year. +++ ps get a Ticket in advance @ all these pre-sale spots (this is what the tickets look like):

Bild 1Bild 2

1. CTS München

2. online @ nachtagenten.de

3. in real life @ these fine Shops in Munich:

Soda Books / Rumfordstr. 3
Bube&Dame / Kreuzstr. 4
Cans&co / Enhuberstr.7
Munich Sneakers / Enhuberstr.7
Charhartt Store / Freiheit 2
Harvest / Zieblandstr. 5
Chicas / Damenstiftstr.11
Meschugge 54 / Türkenstr. 54
Optimal / Kolosseumstraße 6
Ruby Store / Reichenbachstr. 37
Resonanz / Auenstr. 4
Superrandom / Lothringerstr. 1
WESC / Fürstenfelder Str. 12