Tag: party

YUM YUM Munich this Saturday in a new Off Location + some brand new YUM YUM Tees

YUM YUM this Saturday in a temporary Off Location @ Sonnenstrasse 12 (you all know the place that is no more :)  A massive & wild night on two floors with Chrome, Max Mausser, D-Nice, Dan Gerous & Marki. Looking fwd to playing in a Off Location. Also brand new YUM YUM tees will be available this Saturday and we will give a few away in this weeks Munich Newsletter. Be in for a massive night with a good & decent crowd. Ps. Really love playing since is started doing so many new versions again. Like most of us – so come down and get your groove on.

RSVP on Facebook

the new tees & one lousy snap shot :) even instagram couldn’t fix it.

YUM YUM Munich, this Friday Jan 18th at Filmcasino

We are back to ball with another massive YUM YUM, tomorrow night at the beautiful Filmcasino in Munich. One of the two remaining nigths before the Filmcasino turns into a restaurant :( The original crew taking over the turntables with brandnew versions and tunes as you can here on our latest release YY Vol 13. Ps here is another Party Starter treat for your ears as we drop one more of our latest YY Versions. Ignore the snowfall and come by early (doors open at 11pm). It’s gonna be tropical inside with me, D-Nice & Max raising the degrees on the dancefloor to make the floor melt with the latest soundwaves in YUM YUM set & sound. Come by and bring a friend :) Invite your peoples >>> via FB RSVP

Video from the last time at Filmcasino, ps we were all drunk by 11pm since we met around8 and stated drinking. oh christmas time..

120 min YUM YUM this Saturday in Munich + Live Accoustic Session by Fetsum!!!

This Saturday due to the christian holiday, we’ll have to close shop at 2am. Which means, doors will be open at 10pm. Make sure to show up early for the live show which will start at latest 11.30pm and last for a about a good hour, until we get into the YUM YUM sound for the remaining time, played with maximum pressure. The live show will be an accoustic set  by my man Fetsum, aka the Fetsum Duo consisting of an accoustic two piece band (vocals & accoustic guitar). Think Sweet Serenade on a very positive and soulful tip. Trust me, you are gonna love this. It doesn’t get more positive and uplifting than this. Ps check out his website to see what rave reviews he received for his recent Solo Album. So make sure to get your drink on and your hands in the air scenario will be compressed to about 120min + an amazing live show, that i had the pleasure of witnessing a few times before. Pure Sunshine!!! Fetsum::: website /// facebook /// itunes

PS more YUM YUM cities to follow very, very, very soon!

ps here he is, performing a Tracy Chapman cover. Good friend of mine, with open eyes and an open soul. He can see – those who know what i mean – know

YUM YUM München Silvester & unser eigener Club öffnet diesen Donnerstag zum ersten Mal

Hallo Zusammen,
wir haben zwei grosse News zu verkünden.
Zum Einen haben wir nach den vielen, verfeierten Locations einen eigenen Club, den wir ab dem 1.1.2012 unser Zuhause nennen. Der Umbau verlief so schnell und mit viel Staub in unseren Nasen, dass wir noch nicht mal einen Namen haben :) Der Laden liegt im Herzen der Stadt, Thalkirchnerstr 2, also direkt am Sendlinger Tor und dürfte allen bekannt sein als ehemalige Erste Liga. Wir waren selbst überrascht, diese Location bekommen zu haben und freuen uns umso mehr, wieder zentral und in heimatlicher Umgebung zu feiern. Aufgrund der Grösse wird nun wieder familiärer getanzt, getrunken und gefeiert. Unter anderem auch zu YUMYUM und das 2x im Monat, wie in der Registratur. Die Praterinsel werden wir als Sonnenterasse beibehalten, aber wegen der Größe nur ein paar Mal im Jahr. Es war dann doch die einzige Off Location, in der wir euch die Toiletten und den guten Sound mit gutem Gewissen anvertrauen können und so erwarten wir den Sommer in größter Freude.

Zum Anderen wird es dieses Jahr noch ein Silvester YUM YUM in unserem Club geben, das kurzfristig verabredet wurde. Die Djs sind Chrome, Max Mausser, D-Nice & Tand Williams. Die gesamte Familie findet sich an Silvester ein und läutet damit ein aufregendes und vor allem herzliches Neues Jahr ein, ohne grosse Experimente in Off Locations. Der Eintritt beträgt 1o€ und hier der Facebook Event um weitere Freunde einzuladen. Wir freuen uns sehr, mit euch gut und gesund zu rutschen und zu tanzen…

Wir freuen uns und sehr :)

Filip, Max, Deniz, Caro, Flo, Row, Katha, Coco, Andi, Jane, Vero, Sascha & Gregor

Ps die “Chaos Tage” vor Silvester (Do 29 + Fr 30 Dezember) haben wir auch schon geöffnet. Am Donnerstag machen wir einen grossen Umtrunk mit allen Djs die ab Januar bei uns auflegen, beginnend ab 23h. Am Freitag den 30 machen wir die “Allererste Silvester Party” :) mit unseren Shaolin Soul Residents & guten Freunden Marki, Jaws (Poets of Rhythm) & Taran auch ab 23h.

★★★★★ recap: YUM YUM Sommerfest Video

Here is our video recap of last weekends YUM YUM Sommerfest. Almost all our Djs & peoples came together to play music with each other, have a drink too much, celebrate the remaining days of summer, come together as the family we are and enjoy life as we always do. It was a marvelous night to say the least and we will do this more often.

Thanks to: everybody at chromemusic, Max Mausser, Schowi, Tand Williams, Palina Power, D-Nice, Irving Jr, Caro, Coco, Tipura, the Girls @ Chicas, Katha, Lü & Omid & Idris, Gökhan, Taran & Suhur, Danny & everybody @ Bklyn, Andre, Andi, Roland, Deneb, Row, Jane, Angelika, Sara, Jesse and everybody else involved in YUM YUM. way too many to mention.

The video is done by our friends & close YUM YUM affiliates Haze, who will be working with us much more in the near future. Hope you like the video as much as i do.

PS there is a 2nd video coming in the next few days if we have enough good material left. song by jai paul

The YUM YUM Network presents: Top Friend Music

Maybe some of you guys remember our Top Friend Parties?

Back in the days we had some YUM YUM’s with a special TOP FRIEND Floor, where our Djs played YUM YUM music but of a more electronic kind. After this worked out so well we decided to split the whole thing of and make an own Party with an own concept out of it. We had a good start in Munich, are already hosting a floor in Vienna by now and of course hope to make an own event there soon!

At the time we re-started Top Friend,  the two residents Sei Croccante and me, started the corresponding blog, Top Friend Music. As we both stem from the chromemusic family we’re still following the same brainchild.

We share the music we love with all those nice people who love to hang out with us at the Top Friend Parties.

This friday is gonna be a Top Friend Friday in Munich again, so check the blog and the RSVP cause we’d be glad to have a good time with you!

These are the three latest Top Tunes:

[audio:http://topfriendmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Light-Year-Marcellus.mp3|titles=Light Year – Marcellus]Light Year – Marcellus

[audio:http://topfriendmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Lykke-Li-I-Follow-Rivers-The-Magician-Remix.mp3|titles=Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers (The Magician Remix)] Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers (The Magician Remix)

[audio:http://topfriendmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Round-Table-Knights-ft.-Ogris-Debris-Say-What.mp3|titles=Round Table Knights ft. Ogris Debris – Say What!?] Round Table Knights ft. Ogris Debris – Say What!?

And additionally the December Top Tape:

[audio:http://topfriendmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Top-Friend-MIx-Dezember-2010.mp3|titles=Top Tape December mixed by Irving Jr.]Top Tape December mixed by Irving Jr.

PS: On our TF facebook page, we’re sharing music specials and all those silly geek things we’re running into every day. To get you an idea of that just take a look, you can expect Robot Unicorn online games, vegetable blogs and vintage tron poster sites! :D