Tag: yoga

Playlist : Chillout Indian & Oriental [good for yoga sessions]

Sweet PL, it feels very trippy at first, but being firsthand experienced and dealing with tons of Yoga normies, teachers and enthusiast on the daily, this is what they are looking for. It’s traditional sounding (somewhat) but still has that beat, that drives the practise without ever becoming too electronic but keeping an organic feel throughout. Give it a go and see if it suits your needs ;)

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by Daniel Rigos

9 Theory – Beautiful Things EP

9 theory chromemusic

Do you remember the last time you’ve been in nature realising how beautiful this planet we are living on can be? This moment when your mind is still and you just feel blessed without any judgement, needs or desires. Whatever this might be for you – watching your child eating ice cream, the taste of good food or the glitter on water if the sun light crashes on it – aprreciate it and be grateful. Even if it’s just a minute. Stop your mind and make sure to take care of mother earth and all the beautiful things you are surrounded by each and every day. 9 Theory finally released his EP called ‘Beautiful Things’ and it’s the perfect soundtrack for that kind of moments of pure stillness and gratefulness.

9 Theory on Soundcloud ::: Facebook

9 Theory – Next Generation (feat. Torii) [Premiere]

To all the fans of Radiohead, Postal Service, DJ Krush and Toska out there – listen to this track and look forward to the upcoming EP of Gabe aka 9 Theory.
To all the stoner out there – works well with this song :)To all my lovely yoga teacher friends and all yoga junkies out there – this track will definitely update your energizing playlist. Salute the sun while listening & you’ll shine all day.
To all the fans of Human Experience and festival lovers – listen. love. repeat.

9 Theory on Soundcloud ::: Facebook