Tag: jean blanc

PSA: ChromeMusic Night Live @ Miao w/ Achtabahn & Prinzregent this saturday

CM Night - Achtabahn

Hey folks,

the 4th ChromeMusic Night takes place at MIAO (Dachauerstr. 14 – Munich) this saturday October 31. Your hosts are Achtabahn & Prinzregent. We’re really looking forward to celebrate all our favourite songs from Deep & Melodic House, Tropical Vibes to Organic Dance Grooves and in between. The ChromeMusic Night completes every saturday as it starts when the ChromeMusic Radio Show ends. So you can listen to the radio show while walking there and start dancing when you’ve arrived :)

RSVP to the facebook event if you want to be on the guestlist: https://www.facebook.com/events/1082773528407534/

Ps. Also make sure to tune in on egoFM this saturday from 9 to 11pm and listen to the next radio show #8

cm post plakat

#ChromeSelects: Jean Blanc

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This week we sat down with Munichs own Jean Blanc and talked about this and that, while having a Chai at our favourite Cafe ‘Trachtenvogl’. Listen to his music below.

1) What’s your dream festival to play?

Mh I haven’t really thought about that yet, but Coachella Festival would be really awesome!

2) Can you explain what your genre of House music is? When I associate House, I think of the thumping, pulsating sounds. Your tunes are different in that I can listen to you guys on a Sunday afternoon drinking on the beach.

Yes for sure. I would say melodic house! I love it to play the “be happy” sound and all the postive vibes. This is my way to make the audience feel good! You can listen to this genre everywhere and anytime.

3) What is a singer, male or female, you would like to collaborate with?

Oh, that’s a good question. There are so many good singers. But most of all I would look forward to a collaboration with James Hersey.

4) What should we be listening to? your favourite apps?

Instagram. I love it to have a look at all the pictures when I ‘m on the road. Of course it´s cool too, to share pictures with all my friends.

5) in a perfect world there would be… ?

No war, happy people and a lot of a good music.

6) five artists you follow on spotify, soundcloud, hypem, facebook, instagram (can be anything from a drug guru to a yoga instructor :)

Hehe, well one of my favorite artists i follow is Autograf from the Unitd States. They are doing incredible good stuff! Also Klingande, Sam Feldt, Alex Schulz and Sonnengruss! These are my five Artists to follow!

7) Which song do you sing under the shower when nobody can hear you?

Luke Christopher – Lot To Learn!

8) What’s your “there are 2 types of people in this world” answer? (maybe a bit too philosophical, but up to you)

In think there are natural people and indeed, the ones that aren’t what they are in the proper sense. Everyone should feel comfortable in his body and not pretend to be maybe a better one. Be yourself and enjoy every day!

9) What kind of personal routine is important to you?

Always maintain the relationship with my family and my friends. Cause there are no more important people in the world like these ones!

10) 1 Movie and 1 Song that describe your life so far… ( or characterized your life, not sure how to say in english)

That’s not so easy to say. A film that reflects that, I don´t know. I’ll try to explain it a little time, as the film might look like. The film would be a simple boy who drags life through himself. And
makes his hobby into a profession. Song: “Tom Rosenthal – Go Solo”. The title describes it quite well.

11) with whom would like to have dinner one day (can be dead or alive) and what would you guys order to eat?

Thomas Jack. I want to see him soon cause he´s the relaxation in person and super sympathetic!

Jean Blanc ft Chu – Dear Blue Sea

jean blanc dear blue sea chromemusic

Just last week we had some beers with our friend Tobi aka Jean Blanc and he – like many others – seemed pretty desperate about the whole Soundcloud situation. Step by step the major labels are putting down all the good remixes, edits, mixtapes and mash ups which incorporate originals owned by them. You can open an endless conversation about the political or philosophical background here. For people like us – who think copyright laws are generally flawed and antique and who started in a time before “this” internet got popular – this whole conversation is ridiculous. Our YUM YUM account got striked and deleted too and the years of effort to get a couple of thousand of followers are just gone with one click. Over and out. Of course this makes us sad too but at the same time this turn has been forseeable. Same with Reddit, or actually any closed system online. When you are nerdy like us and you follow all the articles and discussions you can see how Reddit becomes more and more a corrupting thing used by the big one corporations and online profiteers who sell their souls to the highest bidder. Independency is used and abused like Starbucks uses the phrase “fair trade”.
Anyway, let’s come back to Jean Blanc and the beers (see, we had more than one ;)). Besides all this moaning we still believe that chaos and opportunity are the same thing (ok that’s actually stolen by the chinese Daoists but as I said before – we don’t take copyright that seriously). And so do many other people around us. This world won’t stop turning and something new will show up after Soundcloud has imploded as has happened before. So let’s not waste our time with complaining. Instead let’s focus on the beautiful things in life. Like this song for example. For us it’s a pleasure to see artists like Jean Blanc evolving and following their creative path. “Dear Blue Sea” is his 1st official release ever and will be out on the 17th of July.  Sadly enough it’s just a snippet which the copyright authorities on top allow us to hear – a 90 sec snippet – and still we are already loving it. I will hear this on many mixtapes to come and I am truly thankful for emotional music at this time, where everybody has a hipster or a corporate state of mind.

Stay curious, stay free and have your own mind in this crazy world we live in. Or don’t have any opinion or nothing to say. Then just close your eyes and listen to this beauty. It’s worth it :)

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Tommy Trash & Wax Motif – Hex Deconstructed (Andrew Bennett & Strobe Reconstruction)

strobe reconstruction chromemusic

While we are sitting on our desks and typing and searching for good new sound our well known friend and house music producer Strobe – literally just 3 doors down the street – has been creative once more and made this awesome reconstruction of the deconstruction song :) Enjoy his latest construction and have a wonderful groovy day…

Follow Strobe on Facebook

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