Tag: klassentreffen

Klassentreffen: SEEED DJ TEAM

Zu Gast in den alterehrwürdigen KLASSENTREFFEN-Gemäuern im P1 sind dieses Mal LUKE4000 & BASED vom SEEED DJ TEAM sowie Ear als BOUNDZOUND Verstärkung – ihreszeichens Produzenten, DJs und Sänger des allen bekannten Berliner Dancehall-Kollektivs SEEED, das seit Jahren die deutsche Musiklandschaft mit deutsch-multisprachigen Dancehall-Reggae zum tanzen bringt. Während im stillen an einem neuen Seeed Album gearbeitet wird (incl. Cee-Lo Feature!) ziehen die drei durch die Clubs und bewegen mit ihrem Mix aus Hip Hop, Dancehall, RnB und ein bisschen Funk & Soul die Hüften der Nation.

Say “Hi” to Bunny Lake – performing live in Munich

Again, it`s time to dig your old “Poesiealbum” up because we invite you to celebrate the next Klassentreffen with us!

One of our guests this time is Bunny Lake from Vienna`s underground, who have just released  “The Beautiful Fall”, their debut album on Universal Records. Collaborations with remixers from all over the world, such as Sinichi Osawa, the Disco Villains or Zombie Disco Squad show that their electronic-pop songs belong to world`s finest.

So call your friends and let them know that their`s gonna be a huge party at the 23th April!!! RSVP

And in addition I`ve got this  remix for you:

[audio:http://v23a.hypem.com/sec/f3a35f7c980b5916557002e7dbafc823/4bb36a78/archive/509/15/0e97449768a9ce74caf438dfd36123e5.mp3|titles=Bunny Lake – Into the Future (Zombie Disco Squad Remix)]

Bunny Lake – Into the Future (Zombie Disco Squad Remix)

lets see what Leeroy Thornhill from Prodigy is up to these days?

Like almost anybody else, who was raised and conditioned culturally and musically in the 80ies & 90ies, i too, have always been a huge fan of the prodigy, (no not the rapper ;-) – who is he compared to these guys? So when asked if our blog wanted to feature Leeroy Thornhill of Prodigy, when he plays in munich – there was no debate about it. I definitely want to see what he is about and up to these days. So lets find out this Friday when Leeroy steps up to the tables. Musical support will be provided by Simon of Bobble fame in munich and so everything stays in the family. Nice one.

Rsvp to the party on facebook

Below you’ll find one of the best music vids – that i have ever seen – and that of course, like any other good vid back then,  was banned from Mtv.

Prodigys “Smack my bitch up”