Chromemusic turns 7 today! And we are having a celebration tonight for our family & friends and i guess we are gonna have too much fun like Charlie Murphy (facebook addicts go here). And here, are as promised, 7 new mixtapes by most of our djs (act. 8), of course some are still missing but who cares. And we just realized like 3 days ago that this weeknds our 7th anniversary with the website, so thanks to everyone involved for doing this on such short notice, inbetween traveling, working, love affairs, studying, break ups, moving houses and what not. The results are amazing. Schowi even did his mixtape on a train! And i had to lend a helping hand (recording wise) to some of our guys so there was zero time for a mix of mine, but i just put this one (YUM YUM The Dude Mix) online last week so no complaining k? You are gonna like what our guys had to offer. PS We are gonna do this again and way more often, cause its just too much fun!!! Proud of my people right here, aaaand as always LISTEN, LOVE & DOWNLOAD
“the little dude” Mix by Deniz (D-nice)
Deniz, the little Dude, seems to have grown up, according to his brilliant mix!
“old no 7” Mix by Tand Williams
Veteran Tand comes with the 7 y matured YUM YUM classic set! Love, love, love
“Schowi’s QuickNotMix”
Schowi did this one on 2 trainrides, while talking to me on the phone and finishing our überawesome compilation! Pure class as usual!
“living the life” Mix by Marki
Marki, our newest blogger, enjoys the finer things in life. Fine wine of a mix with a lot of soul. Done in one take!
“7 years chromemusic” Mix by Dan Gerous
Mostly exclusives by veteran and Earl Hickey look-a-like Dan. Mostly fabulous exclusives with a lot of Moombah to it!
“classic YUM YUM warm up” Mix by Notfx
I remember getting into everyones face for the guys not knowing how to play a proper warmup. Lesson learned! Tip of my hat Sir!
“106 Miles to Chicago” Mix by Max Mausser
Wow! This is Belushi & Akroyd on the road! YUM YUM veteran Max past times favourites! Title says it all! Thx Max, you did us all a favour!
“lucky no 7” Mix by Tommy Montana
Tommy delivers a soulful mix done in grace by a graceful connoisseur!
Remember to be free, to let life live you & be mindful in whatever you do and you can have peace right here right now! Thank you all for being who you are. Truly unique but all the same. Love, love, love

(this is truly the only existing photo with all of us on it, finishing dinner before a show, but still a few missing – me, palina, kami, steffen, actually a whole lot missing, but everyone who contributed a mixtape is on this picture, one way or another..)
ps all tracklists after the jump