Tag: Vienna

YUM YUM Vienna starts this Saturday @ Market!! & a brandnew YUM YUM Mixtape!

Yes, hands down! Its about time, we’ve had a really good attempt at throwing YUM YUM in Cafe Leopold over a year and a half ago and it went down a storm with the crowd going nuts, even with the lights on. The Dj set that day was the same – Beware and me (oh and Functionist, Kamikaze and Motorpitch). Why it took us so long, nobody really knows. You’d expect it to go down in Vienna almost from day one, but there was always something not working out a 100% so we kept on digging until we found the right set up (no offense to every else involved before – you still are involved). Didnt want to go into the whole thing half hearted.

Since this is gonna be a monthly venue, make sure to go sign up with our Vienna Facebook group, will be supplying you once a month with party invites, new YUM YUM top tunes & our mixtapes (cause party invites only, definitely suck – we had to find out the hard way, like i guess everyone else on facebook). Our Vienna Goodie Mail (Newsletter) with bonus downloads & other gifts will be available for Vienna from January 2011 on.

Ps – pls let your peoples in Vienna know about our brandnew and official start and RSVP to the event on Facebook.

EPIC! The first offering – the was Crowd still going apeshit even with club closed & the lights on @YUM YUM Vienna/Cafe Leopold – what a lovely night!

Ps we will hand out the brandnew YUM YUM Mixcds on Saturday! Be in early and grab one, while supplies last. Will be online in 2 weeks so make sure to get one ahead!

Facts: YUM YUM Vienna,Djs: Chrome & Beware

Date: Sat Nov 20th, Location: Market – Market, Linke Wienzeile 36, 1060 Wien

How to get here via google maps

Really looking forward to this one! A assive night ahead of us and really nice seeing some old friends again.

YUM YUM Vienna – Sommerfest @WUK – “Love Remastered” Tourstart


Dieses Jahr gestehen sich Yum Yum und K-Swiss wieder ihre Liebe zur Musik und präsentieren die „Love Remastered“ Tour 2009.

Am 01.08.09 startet die Tour bei uns in Wien mit unserem YUM YUM Sommerfest:

Sofern uns das Wetter keinen Strich durch die Rechnung macht, beginnen wir ab 17h im schattigen Hof des WUK mit Papa Tilman und seinen sommerlichen Reggea, Soca und Island Vibes im Freien. Ab ca. 22h öffnen wir die Tore zum Forum, wo euch TAND WILLIAMS (YUM YUM NRW) und ein voluntäres Kollektiv seiner Kollegen einen Sundowner aus Soul, Funk, Reggae, Feelgood Tunes und Versions mixen. Im großen Saal entlädt sich dann die angestaute Hitze in einem Sound- und SommerRegen a la YUM YUM mit den DJs BEWARE, FUNCTIONIST, CHROME (YUM YUM München) und SHOWI (YUM YUM Berlin).

Zum Tourstart launchen K-Swiss und Yum Yum zudem eine limitierte T-Shirt-Linie, exklusiv designt von den angesagtesten Grafikstudios der Stunde. Neben den mittlerweile international bekannten „The Zonders“ haben sich auch „smal&paze“ von Klassikern inspirieren lassen und präsentieren Tour-Shirts zum verlieben.

Die T-Shirts erhaltet ihr bei „COMMON PEOPLE“ (Kirchengasse 40/2 1070 Wien). Jede/r Käufer/in eines Shirts erhält zudem freien Eintritt am 01.08.09 im WUK.

Sonnige Grüße von Euren YUM YUMs,

Basti, Michael, Filip, Brane, Jan & Matthias

Zur YUM YUM Vienna Facebook Gruppe

YUM YUM Vienna Vol.1 – mixed by DJ BEWARE

For all those, who can’t wait until friday the 12th of june, Michael made the first YUM YUM Vienna Mix-CD! The CD will be available in selected stores and some other spots in Vienna within the next days.

YUM YUM Vienna Vol.1 – mixed by DJ BEWARE

One Dream feat. Anane (Big Game Mix) – Louie Vega, The Elements Of Life
Afreaka – Solo
Bongo Jam – Crazy Cousins
Day ‘N’ Nite (Greenmoney Remix) – Kid Cudi
Block Party – DJ Gregory
Concumbia (Original Mix) – Worthy, Yankee Zulu
Neighbourhood 09 (Club vocal mix) – Zed Bias ft McRumpus and Nicky Prince
Party Hard – Donae’o
Hit Me With The Horns – Zombie Disco Squad
The Cow (Beware and Motorpitch rmx) – Yolanda Be Cool
After Laughter – DJ J-Laini & P-Man
The Longest Score (Rob Pix Edit) – Boy 8-Bit vs. Morgan Page

[haiku url=”http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/yum-yum-vienna-vol-1-mixed-by-dj-beware.mp3″ title=”Title of audio file” graphical=”true”]


YUM YUM in Austria – taking off in January

About that, we figured it would make more sense to start out in January with the new year and all.So Dj Bewares night in Vienna will be at Cafe Leopold – Museumsquartier, thinking about doing a second one in Graz. I’ll know soon enough. Januarys set for the Wax Wreckaz, who will be running things in Innsbruck at Blue Chip. Schowi knows the club and says its alive and kicking besides my man Jacob is running things there. About the 4th and final austrian city, Salzburg, i will be able to give more detail as soon as i have seen these new venues in action, possibly this Thursday. Will be in Vienna on Tuesday to Thursday so hit me up. !!Ps check out Bewares radio show on FM4 – FM4 Unlimited (from Monday to Friday from 2pm to 3pm with him, Functionist and international guests and guest mixes by international djs). And here is my mix from last month



More PS!!! there is a new YUM YUM mix coming by Dj Beware. Within the next weeks.