!!!YUM YUM Party recaps of the last weekend (pics will follow)


YUM YUM Berlin – did damage – hope they have any pictures this time. Larry Tee was around and about everyone from Hamburg, incl former Vienna drinkmaster and VodkaBot Dsl.

YUM YUM Nrw – comic will be online by tonight, latest tomorrow. Eleven and Tand had a blast from what they are twittering, saying “best YUM YUM in months” – but they say that each and every time – how many more people do you wanna pack?

YUM YUM Manchester – Stevie in his own words: “Hi Filip, rob and I have started djing every Friday at the venue, this should boost the profile of the monthly parties. Venue packed out, amazing response, can’t give CDs away quick enough! About 10 people demanding my number email etc for more yum yum info. Unfortunately laptop took a fall (cost £250!) so doing the best I can with the phone this week, I’ll give you a shout later in the week for a chat.. “