
YUM YUM this Saturday, Jan. 15th @ 100Meister

YUM YUM this Saturday, Jan. 15th @ 100Meister

We’re back with our first installment in ’11. The whole crew is gonna be here on Saturday for another extravaganza so you’ll be in for a treat. DJ duties are up to Max Mausser and me (Tand Williams). Gonna be huuuuge!

Aaaaaaaand don’t forget to RSVP on Facebook where you’ll also find directions to the venue.

Also expect to hear this one out loud on Saturday.


Raphael Saadiq – Radio

Ps: Since I haven’t posted the comic of last YUM YUM here, I’ll do it now.

Oh… and if you see someone you know maybe you wanna tag & share on Facebook?

YUM YUM Munich review and comic book of last Saturday

Hell of a party last Saturday @Ex-BMW spot with the nice peoples and innitiators of the buy or cry sale. Our YUM YUM peopes showed up by the hundreds (too bad not enough crowd shots) – but you’ll see for yourself and best party in a long time. Finally i had enough time to get behind the decks and simply play, instead of taking care of other stuff. This one went through the roof, thx @ All and everyone for coming down. The music was a neat mix of the latest tunes and sheer clasics. You ll see what new stuff is coming up on the brandnew YUM YUM mixtapes – coming your way within the next weeks so stay tuned.

[nggallery id=54]

new YUM YUM in Munich coming in march

ps – download the full comic as a zipfile

YUM YUM Facebook Madness (Pictures)

Next week YUM YUM will have its monthly venue @ Kongresshalle. for the 2nd time. the first one was one of the best parties i have been to and had the honour of playing at. here is a pic of a crowd that was ÜBERamazing!!! Thank you all VERY, VERY MUCH111. RSVP to YUM YUM next Sat, Oct 10th @ Kongresshalle on Facebook. Here is quick pic from the last party.



Last time we had our YUM YUM at Kongresshalle – everyone was posting it on facebook, it was pure madness – thank you all, and i only heard and have seen these few ones, which i have collected on this zip and put into a comic book format.  it went down like this:

Download the entire comic book here: YUM YUM Facebook Wahnsinn

YY Fb Madness