
Griz – Summer ’97 ft. Muzzy Bearr (Free Download)

felt like spreading the love and dropping a summer vibes tune for everyone today. this was a song that i started last summer but by the time i finished it it was almost winter and the timing was a bit weird so I continued to refine it and waited. muzzy bearr on the guitar

Get your dose of summer with this smooth and laid back tune whenever you need it. Make sure to grab your free download over here.

Follow GRiZ on Facebook ::: Soundcloud

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Pete Rodriguez – I Like It Like That

“Just commence your feet to skate –
pick up your arms and make’em shake”

Currently one of my favourite boogaloo songs taken from the ‘Chef (Motion Picture Soundtrack)’. Originally from 1967 and has seen some single releases from 1994 to 1996. Re-released on 7″ in October 2014. The soundtrack also includes some classic tunes we used to play over and over again on our YUM YUM parties. Like ‘Sexual Healing’ by the ‘Hot 8 Brass Band’ or ‘C.R.E.A.M.’ by ‘El Michels Affair’.

[soundcloud id=’172256210′]

“I (love myself)” – Jackson Breit (Kendrick Lamar Cover)/ Jean Blanc Remix

The perfect vibe on the perfect track in this prefect combination!

Ok, this was my favourite track when Kendrick first came out with it. Then it really got played out and i expected acoustic cover versions to pop out earlier than they actually did. I heard Jackson Breits cover before and i liked it, not so much as to write a blogpost about it, but he definitely stood out. Just like Jean does with all his production! So in this case, i know it’s just a random production by a producer who hooked up a beat, some rhythm and some effects to an already existing track, buuuut… i’d still advise the two of them to get together and do more tracks. No matter if it’s covers or even original songs, the audience, people like me will benefit from it.

Sometimes the smallest leaps are the ones that are necessary to gain that mass appeal everybody’s aiming for and this here to me sounds like the perfect production that can combine both worlds. If these two went on to do an album, i guess that could go places! I mean international. Jackson seems to be the kind of artist to fit perfectly on top of such a zeitgeisty simple beat without making it sound square, and still coming across as cool pop music while sounding like fun. And Jean does the essential from a dj’s perspective and i like that he doesn’t overproduce it, cause that simply ain’t needed anymore. The beat matches the song perfectly and i know about a dozen cool record executives who would sign such a collabo (if it wasn’t a cover). Overly chill and not experimental at all, but just delivering the goods the people need right now. On some supply & demand ish!

Grab the Free DL. Ps Big up for linking both Soundcloud accounts (Jackson Breits & Jean Blancs). Sometimes overly self-centered Soundcloud bloggers tend to forget that both artists need to be named!

SO the two of you need to connect PRONTO ;)

Jackson Breit: Soundcloud ::: Facebook :::  Jean Blanc: Soundcloud ::: Facebook

Ante Perry feat. Cosmo Klein – One More Try (Original)


In the last 2 years a lot of talk has been going on about Deep House, while it actually had little to do with Deep House in its traditional sense. It was more like a new genre of beatmakers who had to come up with a genre name or a simply a tag for their tunes and Soundcloud uploads. And that’s why it’s even more fascinating to see an actual classy, soulful and really well produced Deep House tune go down on Soundcloud and staying unnoticed while all the remixers, who come up with the simplest of remixes of fancy pop stars make the rounds and have thousands and thousands of likes and comments.

Now this here is an actual ueber funky tune that deserves to get some spotlight. Ante Perry delivers a very delicate and tasteful key driven sound scape for the great vocals of Cosmo Klein to shine (no pun/rhyme intended). “One more try” will remind you of great tunes and days gone by, that is having a renaissance these days, if you happen to follow the young clublands. Perfect match for those warm summer nights and proper soul infused tune for the connoisseurs. This actually needs a vinyl release!

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Quinn – Another Day In Paradise

quinn chromemusic

Another favourite of ours, at the moment. beautiful tune, good production and it’s just easygoing feel good at its nicest. Become fans of Quinn and follow the man. And ps kudos for making the EP a one click easy 2 download file. If you are gonna give it a free DL, don’t make people follow you and your cheesy remixes, which just get famous bc people google for the original artist instead of the no talent hack who remixed it. This here’s a prime example of a talented act who is giving away great original content for nada. Treat it with respect and show Quinn some love and follow him via his so/me links. (Download the full EP, Change Of Scenery:

Quinn – Another Day In Paradise (Prod. by ayokay)

CONNECT WITH QUINN ::: facebook ::: twitter ::: youtube ::: instagram

[soundcloud id=’203006927′]

Nao – Golden

nao soul

Is there such a thing as a killer neo-soul tune? This is far surpassing all those cliché new-age avantgarde musical genres which actually don’t mean sh*t. This here is a proper state of the art production that is as far away from the snorefest music of the music blogs these days, as is the rest of the world from the actual real sound thats being played in Germany. We need to welcome Nao to ChromeMusic from now on. Check her previous efforts via her Soundcloud:

Soundcloud ::: Facebook ::: Now u know where u can reach her and get more of her black forbidden nectar.

[soundcloud id=’208909586′]