YUM YUM Top Tunes

ChromeMusic Top Tunes May

CM Top Tunes May

May is one of my favorite months of the year (at least in Germany). The sun is getting stronger and warmer day by day, most of the time you still need something to cover in the early mornings or late evenings but for me it always feels like even the earth is taking the first deep breath and starts to lean back and relax a bit more than the months before. People seem to remember how it feels to be outside, how it feels to breathe in some fresh air and they start to lift their chests up again. After months of just starring at the ground. Yeah, people smile again and so does nature too.
So go out, prepare your bicycles for summer, plant some flowers and enjoy our lovely collection of…

Top Tunes May

ChromeMusic Top Tunes February

chromemusic top tunes feb

Germans are notorious as punctuality but you might have noticed already that we are not the best example for this clichee. So we missed our Top Tunes in January and shared with you our YUM YUM Top Tunes Yearbook of 2014 instead. But now it’s time to continue with our monthly collection of songs we listen to and simply love. Just with one little change we decided to make. Instead of calling it YUM YUM Top Tunes we go with CHROMEMUSIC Top Tunes from now on. It just makes more sense since we are collecting tunes of all genres and not just the typical YUM YUM sound. But don’t worry – we will still feed you with YUM YUM Versions and Mixtapes of our great Djs. And love, happiness and passion will always be included no matter how it’s called. Take it as a pre-spring detox thing. It’s like cleaning your closet – socks to socks, hoddies to hoddies. Everything is still there you will just get a better overview ;)

::: ChromeMusic Top Tunes February :::

YUM YUM Top Tunes December

December – a month of lights, snow and feast
time to make amends and tie loose ends
finish off what you’ve started and hope your dreams come true.

top tunes dec chromemusic

I thought actually about creating an advent calendar for December. Not for myself (thank you mum for keeping this tradition still alive) but for you. The idea was to give something nice and beautiful every single day. My excuse?…First of all my technical creativity seems to be limited. Even if I do almost everything online by now, there are still things in this world I don’t really like to build here. Some things you have to feel. 4k ultra hd filme https://4k-hdfilme.com/ 2160p-Auflösung für UHD-Fernseher oder PC. I finally started reading books again and just remembered how good the feeling of flipping pages analogue has been. There is nothing better than holding a good book in your left and a cup of warm tea in your right. Can you really get the same feeling of excitement (remember when you were a kid and the whole christmas time was just pure magic) if you’d open the door day by day with a single click? No, you can’t.

Second reason is: I am no winter romantic christmas person at all. My inspiration and creativity depends on 25 degrees, sunlight and long warm summer nights. No chance to get this right now…So my plan: to stay in bed and at least I am gonna give you 24 really nice songs we just collected over the last weeks. Have fun with this little advent calendar playlist and listen to whenever you want to.