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What do you get when you mix The Strokes with Ukulele? Usually some easy-peasy-washed-out-feel-ok-but-not-particularly-great-when-listening-version. Since it’s always tricky to try out these things – not saying you shouldn’t though – without losing the passion and grip of an original indie-rock anthem, I was quite skeptical and curious to hear this one.

Alex says:

Hadn’t heard my favorite strokes song covered on the ukulele before so I gave it a go…and then added some stuff

Well – not only did he “add some stuff”, he blew me out the water with this beautiful interpretation that does the original more than justice. I even think it brings out sides of the track that were previously hidden and I wasn’t aware of.

Could and have listened to this many many times now. I hope you will, too!

PS: Alex is going to release fresh music start of next year under his new project name Tiny Dolphin