Goapele – Play (Eleven Tambourines remix)

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Good friend DJ Eleven did it again and remixed Goapele’s Play and it’s an equally great version as is the version conducted by Los Rakas which Chrome posted a few days ago. You may know Joe as a vital part of The RUB from NYC.

Check out his blog as well as his SoundCloud page since he delivers the goods not only by himself but also through his label 11″ Records. Glad to say we’re already staging some gigs in 2012 since we had too much fun in the last three years (or four?) and I’m already looking forward having him again since he’s just a nice guy! And that’s what’s YUM YUM all about. Period!

Blog / Facebook / SoundCloud / It’s THE RUB

PS: I couldn’t help myself and literally HAD TO threw together a video. I guess I watched too much TV in the 80s after all (anybody still into Miami Vice these days?). Joe was pretty pleased with the outcome as well to say the least so I decided to throw it in here. Watch after the jump if you dare … ;-)

Play (Eleven Tambourines remix)