New YUM YUM version: Rumble in the Jungle [chromes Ready or Not Rmx]

Here is a rare tune that i came across when dusting off my records – had to remix it. The Fugees in their prime made this tune with Tribe & Busta for the OST of “When we were Kings”. An amazing movie about Muhammed Alis Rumble in the Jungle fight vs George Forman that took place in Zaire in 1974.  A tune everybody forgot about, the verses are excellent as a posse cut should be, but i guess they recorded everybody with a different mic, so the vocals all sound different – and i would have taken Lauryns amazing hook too [Send me an Angel] if it would have been included on the Acapella. Too bad, but we laced it with a new beat and new melody and Mama-friendly hook with the vocals of Reggae Legend Johnny Osbourne who covered the Delfonics “Ready or Not” tune in 1972, same as the Fugees did 23 years later. Johnny Osbourne, Muhammed Ali, heroes of the 70ies meet the heroes of the 90ies Fugees, Tribe, Busta all in a mix from 2012.

[Imma play me some Soul music, man] *Ps for the Instrumental go here

Production: chrome /// Keys: Coco /// Bass: Tony Latterman /// Cover: bklyn

YUM YUM classic “Pams Diner” – Nas & Suzanne Vega

In celebration of our fun filled & music packed Saturdays in July, here is a YUM YUM classic from way, way back. Suzanne Vega on top of a Salaam Remi Beat for Nas[ir Jones] which samples a classic James Brown Beat and is still today one of the hottest beats around. Some call it mashup, some call it remix, some call it edit, bootleg or whatever. I don’t care what you call, i only care if its good or not. Drop a comment and enjoy the fine weather while it lasts. Cool Summer wind in your hair

Tipura – 05/12

Vinyl only House & Disco Live Mix by my Stuttgart based Homie and Yum Yum Dj Tipura. Classic House Sound mixed with Disco Originals and Edits with Material from DJ Kaos, Ron Trent, Prince Language, Rahaan….

Enjoy the Mix and make sure to make it loud

YUM YUM this Sat… oh wait… It’s The Rub

Hands down! Another massive dance is upon us since our good friend Joe aka DJ Eleven will be joining me behind the decks at High5Club this Saturday and together we will bring you the latest in YUM YUM sound and music.

You may know him for being a founding member of The Rub and throwing the best party in NYC (as the New York Times called it) OR you may have been in for a treat on one of his previous visits in Duisburg already.

Either way, here is a new live mix by DJ Eleven:

See you on Saturday!

Ps 1: Here’s a link to the Facebook event where you’ll find directions and stuff…

Ps 2: Last YUM YUM in April was already sold out at around 0:30 o’clock. So my advice would be to show up early. Just sayin’ ;)

YUM YUM Freiburg /// 1st anniversary and still going strong

YUM YUM Freiburg - Saturday, May 12th 2012

YUM YUM pumping a muscle in south Germany and I’m not talking about Munich this time. One year ago Chris and his entire crew invited us to ye olde Bootshaus and to be honest: we kinda had a ruff start but oh boy we were getting there. Since we moved into the Jazzhaus YUM YUM became one of the top nights within Freiburg and a household name within the whole area.

I was lucky enough to play at both spots and we had mad fun! I think there is a video of me and Dan Gerous somewhere on the internets but unfortunately it has been edited and Dan looks somewhat like a zombie vampire with stars in his eyes… so I hope for your understanding if I do not post a link here ;)

Anyway, this Saturday you will be in for a treat when the Avengers (aka Max Mausser, Dan Gerous and Funk Messiah) assemble (!) and deliver you the latest in YUM YUM music and sound. Here’s a link to this month’s YUM YUM Top Tunes so you know what you’ll sign up for.

And remember: friendly is still the key.

PS: Here is a link to a Facebook event so you can RSVP if you’re into such things.

YUM YUM München Silvester & unser eigener Club öffnet diesen Donnerstag zum ersten Mal

Hallo Zusammen,
wir haben zwei grosse News zu verkünden.
Zum Einen haben wir nach den vielen, verfeierten Locations einen eigenen Club, den wir ab dem 1.1.2012 unser Zuhause nennen. Der Umbau verlief so schnell und mit viel Staub in unseren Nasen, dass wir noch nicht mal einen Namen haben :) Der Laden liegt im Herzen der Stadt, Thalkirchnerstr 2, also direkt am Sendlinger Tor und dürfte allen bekannt sein als ehemalige Erste Liga. Wir waren selbst überrascht, diese Location bekommen zu haben und freuen uns umso mehr, wieder zentral und in heimatlicher Umgebung zu feiern. Aufgrund der Grösse wird nun wieder familiärer getanzt, getrunken und gefeiert. Unter anderem auch zu YUMYUM und das 2x im Monat, wie in der Registratur. Die Praterinsel werden wir als Sonnenterasse beibehalten, aber wegen der Größe nur ein paar Mal im Jahr. Es war dann doch die einzige Off Location, in der wir euch die Toiletten und den guten Sound mit gutem Gewissen anvertrauen können und so erwarten wir den Sommer in größter Freude.

Zum Anderen wird es dieses Jahr noch ein Silvester YUM YUM in unserem Club geben, das kurzfristig verabredet wurde. Die Djs sind Chrome, Max Mausser, D-Nice & Tand Williams. Die gesamte Familie findet sich an Silvester ein und läutet damit ein aufregendes und vor allem herzliches Neues Jahr ein, ohne grosse Experimente in Off Locations. Der Eintritt beträgt 1o€ und hier der Facebook Event um weitere Freunde einzuladen. Wir freuen uns sehr, mit euch gut und gesund zu rutschen und zu tanzen…

Wir freuen uns und sehr :)

Filip, Max, Deniz, Caro, Flo, Row, Katha, Coco, Andi, Jane, Vero, Sascha & Gregor

Ps die “Chaos Tage” vor Silvester (Do 29 + Fr 30 Dezember) haben wir auch schon geöffnet. Am Donnerstag machen wir einen grossen Umtrunk mit allen Djs die ab Januar bei uns auflegen, beginnend ab 23h. Am Freitag den 30 machen wir die “Allererste Silvester Party” :) mit unseren Shaolin Soul Residents & guten Freunden Marki, Jaws (Poets of Rhythm) & Taran auch ab 23h.