
ChromeMusic & Gomma Records = MIAO Bar @ Munich | Opening This Weekend May 8th & 9th

No Dogs Allowed!

miao bar munich chromemusic

ChromeMusic or in particular me took a sabbatical, if u can call it that… Well, anyways i was gone for a while, dug deep, and rethought what i wanted to do. Having deejayed for the longest and packed even the biggest venues and having built the YUM YUM party series straight from the gut and out of instinct everybody insisted on managing me, but never understood what this thing was/is about… so i was reevaluating the times and checking for new things until everything fell into piece… more like everything came together in peace.

We started a brand new label, which is probably one of a kind, just telling from the way it works and how beneficial it truly is for everyone involved from the artists, to the managers to the designers and programmers. Its something that i am proud of and its gonna take ages for anyone to copy that, since its pretty much dependent on insight and knowledge that is simply not out there for the grabbing… and we are just starting out. But that’s another post for another time…

Well anyways i met an old friend, we got into talking and i realized how much i missed playing in venues for the sake of it, not for the corporate aim or for the social recognition (on a self value scale it’s actually the same jerk off… He offered to open up something of an improvised, non-designed, handcrafted, non-posh, venue with me and since i am labelwise and blogwise (as u can see) heavily involved into music, artists and live acts and all that ‘shite’, it just made sense.


SO – HERE’s the Thing:

ChromeMusic & Gomma Records go way back. In particular me & Munk. He even made me play at his earliest parties, way before the Gomma label and before i buggered off to the UK in the 90ies. And even in the fantastic cult club and best Munich club ever “Erste Liga” (ONLY THE RED ONE) we both were residents, he did his always packed Thursdays night with his melodic journeys and wide arrays of partners, while i held the Fridays spot and my mix of sonic enchantment (ha!). Both those night + the club were groundbreaking, created a before non-existing scene which still lives on in every still cool spot in town and was simply awesome! Mind you… AWESOME! So, you’re looking for the best tablet for musicians you can load up with all the music making apps you can shake a stick at? Yes, it’s possible.

Ps whatever club opened after that, it never had the same social/musical and cultural impact of that venue, it was always just feeding offa that spot. After Munk & good buddy Søren did the Ruby Bar together for a year and a half, the only other venue, to stay in recent memory, and me doing a buttload of offlocations in the previous years and thus creating half of the nowadays active array of djs in this longitude and latitude, i guess it was a no-brainer that we had to get back together! I mean literally – no brain ! We clicked as we always do  and were more or less speechless that we never even considered crossing paths.

Well we are now…

MIAO is just meant to be a nice, red-lightish pop up venue for a mere 3 months and we tend to get all our buddies down to play with us and move something. We are both happy that it turned out to be THAT venue, an old arabic cultural meeting point (always has a negative sidenote, doesnt it?), that is finally located outside of the Glockenbach Viertel, the formerly hip area of Munich. So i guess we had to move, and no part of town, says urban and mundane louder that the spot between Hauptbahnhof and Maxvorstadt. Right next to a former place called “Boobs”! See what i mean?


miao bar munich chromemusic 2

We just turned the whole spot into a venue that our designers (not talking Photoshop, i am talking spray cans!) started calling MIAO. So the name was another no-brainer. And being a digital native myself, who in the world wants to argue against cats?

Ok, so here’s the bullet points:

  • MIAO is gonna be open on Fridays & Saturdays from 10pm-5am.
  • A nice gallery is part of the venue and Artist Martin Fengel will be hosting a new Vernissage every 2 weeks with changing exhibits and artists.
  • FRIDAYS run by the Gomma Gang and Ruby Bar residents: Munk, Manuel Kim, Max Josef, Marvin & Valentino, Moritz Butchek of two-in-a-row fame (the only other Munich blog i recognize as a blog ;) and many international friends, buddies & guests
  • SATURDAYS is run by ChromeMusic & Friends: So me, Chrome, long time partner and Dj romancier Jean-Christophe “Schowi” Ritter, FEAST (Lichtdicht Rec/Milky Chance label) and a lot of friend and buddies like local hero Sepalot, yumyum partner Max Mausser, FM4 legend Beware and many more guests & buds.
  • The venue will be run by Søren & Pino, same guys as Ruby Bar and long time partners.
  • The doormen will be an old school vamp from the days of the Erste Liga
  • A couple of great new bands are gonna play their first acoustic Live sets like the rising Lions Head, hopefully James Hersey, The Capitols and so forth… but that’s another story still tba
  • Adress: Dachauerstrasse 14 (right across Cafe Kosmos)

And if u ask us about the music policy. Well, you must be new in town….

YUM YUM in Munich // Next Sat 25th // at Muffathalle // With You :)

yum yum october chromemusic

Next Saturday we will have our huge YUM YUM Party together with Halli Galli. Dj Chrome and Busy Boy D-Nice will let you dance on one floor, our loved Max Mausser is gonna join the other guys on the other one – so YUM YUM everywhere :) Come by for a beer and some shoulder bumping or enjoy a nice dinner and take out your girl after or put on your high heels, take your ladies with you and just go wild together.  Whatever you are up to – it’s all happening :)

Follow our invitation on facebook and have an awesome week!

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The Best Medicine Against Pre Winter Depression: YUM YUM Dancehall Mix by Max Mausser

yum yum mix max

The year is coming to its end. Slowly but surely. Leaves are falling down, the sun is getting tired by fighting against all this rainy clouds so we see her hardly. My granny would say: “there is no bad weather there is just bad clothes!” And she is so absofuckinglutely right. And here is the point, I am actually not complaining about the weather (the german national sport), i am just complaining about the consequences out of this situation. People are turning into couch potatoes (myself included) and grumpy cats. There is no life at the streets anymore, nobody takes a look to the sky and everyone is covering his couch potato shape with black, grey and black again.

But after all this grumpy cat talk here some good news: Our closest YUM YUM friend and DJ Max Mausser made the best medicine for all of us. 20 min YUM YUM sound, 20 min full of heat and beats to get up and move your lazy a** :) Enjoy the mix and join us next Saturday in Munich at our YUM YUM Party.

YUM YUM Munich This Friday @ Ampere Sept 26th



With the cliché of bavarian ‘culture’ raging in full swing, we are back to business with our newest installment of YUM YUM @ Ampere. This friday, the decks will be kept clean of any aggressiveness and covered with plates of proper feel good soul, funk, reggae, blends and all the material that makes up the whole of YUM YUM. Somewhere along the way in the past 2 year in Munich, we were broken up into pieces by some business people and managers and that’s why we are so happy to be acting as solo agents again, as we always have been. The last date showed, almost the entire crew is back together and that was a thing of pure beauty that made us all so very happy. And the last date we had at Ampere, end of last August, was brilliant. Maybe not dj wise, even though the crowd loved it, because we know that we can do it even better. We have proven that for almost a decade, and all it takes is just a little practice and regularity. And that’s exactly why we are back this Friday, September 26th @ Ampere. The Dj duties will be up to Chrome (me) and Max, who are the core and the rest of the family will be back to play. Be in as we nice up the dance. RSVP right here on Facebook

Here are a few current favourites:




YUM YUM Is Back In Munich – With All Its Heart And Love // This Friday 29. August @Ampere

And I told you to be patient,
And I told you to be fine,
And I told you to be balanced,
And I told you to be kind,

After spending the past two years in turmoil, where we couldn’t make YUM YUM happen. Now we are back to go on a monthly regular date at Ampere. We feel deeply motivated to make our own exclusive YUM YUM tunes, now more than ever. We are really looking fwd to seeing everyone that is really joyful, happy and simply glad to have some positive energy and fun in his life – or with us on the dancefloor ;) That’s what we have always been about, not some musical genre. No sir, its about giving and sharing positive energy.

brandnew YUM YUM version:

You can keep all the music that we have shared over the years, we do not care – it’s about right now and right “wherever you are” lol. Hopefully we will see you on friday. (RSVP on Facebook) Make sure to bring a friend and it’s the happy, smiling faces that always motivated us to do YUM YUM, so here we are, after two years of a wild ride, back to do what we are here for. Check out our previous mixtapes to get a feel again and maybe get a bit excited… I know I am :)

So glad to be joining the turntables with my favourite partner Max, who out of everyone (maybe except Schu from Blumentopf and Schowi) understood what this all is about. Like I wrote above, about sharing positive energies and having a massive dance. To nice up the vibe, not brush up one owns own ego. So make sure to pack some friends, grab your partner, bring a smile and be in for some proper niceness and a really loving dance.

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yum yum august

YUM YUM Top Tunes Summer Roundup

YUM YUM Summer Tunes

In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love.
In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile.
In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm.
I realized, through it all, that…
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.

– Albert Camus

YUM YUM Summer Tunes

While summer is coming to an absolute stand still on the german side of life, we still celebrate mid summer with our YUM YUM Top Tunes Summer selection – a collection of tunes, that are so far our most favourite tunes in our monthly selection. And even if the skies are cloudy these days, these tunes are for the ones that are light of heart, have a little sun left in them and/or are the lucky ones to be travelling the sunny lands or even live there. Enjoy the sunshine with those love spirited YUM YUM tunes, that had us boogieing through the first part of this year.


[alert-success]On August 29th we have our anual Summer YUM YUM @ Ampere in Munich. Dear friends, make sure to check in with us and save the date!!! [/alert-success]

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