Tag: München

WIN ! Awesome YUM YUM Classics Mix By Max Mausser (Free One Click Download)


In anticipation of this Fridays YUM YUM in munich (Nov 7th) Max delivered a new one !

Ever since Max started taking the lead with YUM YUM in Munich he promised to deliver a new Mixtape with every new party. So here it is, a brand new one, 59 minutes packed with plenty of classic YUM YUM material to lighten up the mood and infuse a little sunshine in your life. I guess this is what a wild summers dance sounds like, no matter what continent. This mixtape belongs to the beaches worldwide. You can argue summer sounds like reggae, moombah soul, hip hop, singalongs, some chillout and some singer songwriter is what summer sounds like… and i’d say yes to each and everyone of those styles, but it wouldn’t be YUM YUM if it wasn’t a mix and an elite selection of all those mentioned. So have fun and grab the One Click Free Download.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see these guys live: Susanne Blech

Now this one is a very personal post about some really good friends of mine which I’ve known for almost a decade and a half (yes, unfortunately I’m old enough to maintain friendships THAT long – lol, smiley face). Introducing: Susanne Blech!

Susanne Blech

If you’re happen to be German based and watch Circus HalliGalli on a regular basis, you may have seen them already jump out of Joko’s and Klaas’ closet last week or so. And since they are currently on tour you have the chance of seeing them perform live tonight in Munich!

Susanne Blech

Below you’ll find their current video for their song “Liebe neue deutsche Welle” which was partly shot in Rio as you can already tell by the gifs above.

They’ve been on tour for a couple of dates and all of them have been massive and sold out. I’ve been to the release show myself and the crowd just went straight mental. But don’t take my word for it and have a look at their Facebook page.


Don’t miss out on this one!! So with no further a due and with great pleasure it is, that I present to you: Susanne Blech!!


YUM YUM München Silvester & unser eigener Club öffnet diesen Donnerstag zum ersten Mal

Hallo Zusammen,
wir haben zwei grosse News zu verkünden.
Zum Einen haben wir nach den vielen, verfeierten Locations einen eigenen Club, den wir ab dem 1.1.2012 unser Zuhause nennen. Der Umbau verlief so schnell und mit viel Staub in unseren Nasen, dass wir noch nicht mal einen Namen haben :) Der Laden liegt im Herzen der Stadt, Thalkirchnerstr 2, also direkt am Sendlinger Tor und dürfte allen bekannt sein als ehemalige Erste Liga. Wir waren selbst überrascht, diese Location bekommen zu haben und freuen uns umso mehr, wieder zentral und in heimatlicher Umgebung zu feiern. Aufgrund der Grösse wird nun wieder familiärer getanzt, getrunken und gefeiert. Unter anderem auch zu YUMYUM und das 2x im Monat, wie in der Registratur. Die Praterinsel werden wir als Sonnenterasse beibehalten, aber wegen der Größe nur ein paar Mal im Jahr. Es war dann doch die einzige Off Location, in der wir euch die Toiletten und den guten Sound mit gutem Gewissen anvertrauen können und so erwarten wir den Sommer in größter Freude.

Zum Anderen wird es dieses Jahr noch ein Silvester YUM YUM in unserem Club geben, das kurzfristig verabredet wurde. Die Djs sind Chrome, Max Mausser, D-Nice & Tand Williams. Die gesamte Familie findet sich an Silvester ein und läutet damit ein aufregendes und vor allem herzliches Neues Jahr ein, ohne grosse Experimente in Off Locations. Der Eintritt beträgt 1o€ und hier der Facebook Event um weitere Freunde einzuladen. Wir freuen uns sehr, mit euch gut und gesund zu rutschen und zu tanzen…

Wir freuen uns und sehr :)

Filip, Max, Deniz, Caro, Flo, Row, Katha, Coco, Andi, Jane, Vero, Sascha & Gregor

Ps die “Chaos Tage” vor Silvester (Do 29 + Fr 30 Dezember) haben wir auch schon geöffnet. Am Donnerstag machen wir einen grossen Umtrunk mit allen Djs die ab Januar bei uns auflegen, beginnend ab 23h. Am Freitag den 30 machen wir die “Allererste Silvester Party” :) mit unseren Shaolin Soul Residents & guten Freunden Marki, Jaws (Poets of Rhythm) & Taran auch ab 23h.

YUM YUM Munich this Friday June 3rd @ Praterinsel

This Friday, June 3rd its back on and another massive dance awaits you + a great outdoors area n beergarden.

After the last date at Praterinsel i simply couldnt wait for another new date! We’ve had seen many events at Praterinsel but this was by far the best. All it took was for us to do everything ourselves. So the first time at Praterinsel (april 1st) was horrible, simply cause the PA was sucking, the wardrobe wasnt working and so on, but last time – the second time (End of April) everything worked out briliantly. All it took was for us to do everything ourselves, instead of letting other people (who claim to be PROfessionals) do the rest. The last time at Praterinsel was the best sounding night (accoustically, PA wise), i ever had at that location – PERIOD. The Outdoor area + beergarden are tremendous when done right (last time) and even a proper airconditionig was hooked up, and check out this post i wrote the last time, but didnt publish… (its published now, set an older date – sp pls feel free to share)

People were dropping us comments & mesages, left and right saying that this was the best one, ever since Registratur. check out all the comments dropped on our various YUM YUM pages on facebook (100% super UBERpositive!!). Thank you all we had a blast and we are hooked now on doing everything ourselves!

RSVP to the Party on Facebook —- and here’s how to get to Praterinsel via gmaps

Be in for a massive night and bring a friend to the dance! Djs will be Chrome, Max Mausser & D-Nice and we’ll make sure to nice up your dance!!

FREE GIVEAWAYS: The first couple of hundred guests will receive our new YUM YUM Mix CD – Sunshine Inside (Spring 2011). Make sure to be there early and get the physical thing, a collectors item and always a difference to an mp3.

RETURN: PS From this friday on we will have reviews of our nights again, every Monday morning + the return of YUM YUM comic books and of course proper party pictures to begin with.

Here are 3 smooth tunes to get you started + New YUM YUM top tunes online tomorrow.

Mayer Hawthorne – Work to do

The Flavour – Sex on Fire

[audio:http://www.chromemusic.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Edward-Sharpe-The-Magnetic-Zeros-Home.mp3] Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Home

YUM YUM Munich this Saturday @Praterinsel

Yes, we are back with a brandnew YUM YUM coming this Saturday @munichs Praterinsel. We did one here 3 weeks ago, the weather was fab, but like any new location (like Registartur, like Kongress, like Puerto) we ran into a few obvious difficulties, like the soundsystem, the lights and how to decorate both (act 3) rooms. These things will be taken care of and the djs (us) will have a booth + stage and some proper visuals, hahahaha… for sure this time. It was really hot inside and that will taken care of as well with an outside bar and an open air – area and a couple of fans inside! To cool us all of! Djs will be Chrome, Tand Williams & Tommy Montana.

See, where we are going… this gonna be a huge night and with a proper soundsystem to get a dance on, anyplace on the location not just the front rows! Really looking fwd to this one, since this time we are ourselves responsible for the soundsystem, the lights and everything – means more work, but also means we can have it our way! Looking fwd to a massive night and see you Saturday!!!

How to get to Praterinsel (via Google Maps) —— Rsvp to the event on facebook ——

PS!!! A new YUM YUM Mixtape will be finished this week – The complete YUM YUM – Sunshine Inside Mix. You will receive a seperate Goody Mail, with the mix and it will be online this weekend. So if you want to get it ahead of everyone else – make sure to sign up for our Mixtape Goody Mail (only Music – no Party Invites).

To get you started here is the sneak preview – the first part that we already posted last time:

YUM YUM Sunshine Inside (short mix)

YUM YUM Munich Sep 25th @ Puerto Giesing

YUM YUM Munich Sp 25th @ Puerto Giesing
Saturday, Sep 25th
Puerto Giesing, München (via Google Maps)
Chrome // Max Mausser!
Facebook Event
RSVP to the Party
Facebook Group
Join us
YUM YUM Top Tunes September

A new & massive YUM YUM in Munich coming your way! Well me and Max are gonna return to the essence of YUM YUM, for more on that read a full report the coming week in the Character section. It’s gonna be a huge night, and strictly no Italians this weekend – simple o-fest rule. Recheck this month’s YUM YUM top tunes and make sure to show up early.

News: Soon we will have 2 new YUM YUM mixtapes, actually will be passing out the newest one at our next date in Munich (early October) and nationwide, and our Newsletter will soon be much brighter, nicer and full of our music so stay tuned, and start subscribing in 2 weeks (You are gonna love it!). And a full coloured YUM YUM 7″ vinyl single (“I need a dollar YUM YUM Version) is in the making – and will be handed out this Saturday to a few selected YUM YUM lovers (so send me a mail) and many, many more things are ahead, but a full report on monday is coming…

So catch you Saturday, dont forget to bring your dancing shoes, I am really having an itch to play a proper YUM YUM set. See you in a bit.