
YUM YUM NRW May 19th @ 100Meister

YUM YUM NRW May 19thI hope you all enjoyed our latest comic review of YUM YUM in April althought it was a bit late (what an understatement). But like already mentioned we had a lot of stuff to do and the street arts are outstanding again. See the making of and the documentary here.Also the latest selection of YUM YUM tunes is a pretty whoopie (whatever that means). Find it here.

Maybe you heard rumours bout the summerbreak of YUM YUM in Munich. This has absolutely no effect on YUM YUM in NRW. Just to point that out once and calm everything a bit down. We’ll continue as usual and bring you the latest in YUM YUM Sounds every third Saturday a month.

Nothing left to say but wishing you all a wonderful time enjoying lovely spring rising. Hope to catch you all on 19th of May at 100Meister. Be there early and bring a friend. Think water ice.

YUM YUM Comic Book of last Friday April 6th


YUM YUM Comic Book of Friday April 6th.
Here is last Fridays Comic Book review and i hope you have some fun with it and maybe even recognize a couple of faces or even yourself. Took some some time to bake it, because the Easter holiday slowed everything down for us.
The Next YUM YUM is coming around in two weeks on April the 20th and we are wishing you a good time until then. And make sure to check back with me tomorrow. There will be plenty of new music posted and new funnies including an new chris rock parody, cam’rons rhyme book (hilarious) and plenty of new. i am jsut so tired of the computer for today. see you back tomorrow. PS – be on the lookout for Jazzy Jeff tomorrow night, playing at Registratur alongside Chrome & Rewinds own Max Mausser. More infos found in our post below.

new YUM YUM COMIC book of last Friday March 16th and Saturday 17th

YY_March_2_1801.jpgYUM YUM Comic Book March 16th.
YUM YUM Comic Book March 17th
Here is last fridays and saturdays review in our unique comic book format.

Was a great night with every area working the hell out of folks. Great night with a good vibe and the Soundsystem was pumping it right through the speakers.

See for yourself and maybe catch yourself on one of the pictures. See you back in 3 weks (!) on April 6th on our next YUM YUM with a brandnew selection, new visuals and much more.

We’ll be back spreading feel good fun and sunshine. Last weeks promised new versions and mashups willbe posted this Wednesday. Have a great one..

last Friday (Comic Book) and a short notice

YY-070301.jpgLast Friday was a weird night. The Lights were going on and off and the Soundsystem was just not sounding right. To top it all off it was a full moon night and you know what that means… We simply coulndt get the Soundsystem under control and we will check the speakers and the full PA before the next night to make sure we have our usual YUM YUM vibe. The last night just didnt do it and cut it for me, so it means back to the Lab to get everything done by next time. Thanks for being the nicest crowd possible and still pulling off an amazing dance. I know other folks would not be able to tell the difference and would call it a great night that was mega packed but the entire YUM YUM vibe, set and sound is just something special, and for us this was a mediocre night (for everybody else in Munich this would have been the highlight of their year). So thanks for still making it mine and on our next date (March 16th) we will be back to full force with a fully functioning Sound and Light system. Enjoy this weeks Comic book review and our new Goodies below.

YUM YUM comic book of last Friday – February 16th

Here is this weeks YUM YUM comic book. Was a huge and funfilled party with a good vibe and a climax between 4 and 5a.m. (!!!). This was the hour to top everything else. Enjoy the comic book review and the photos themselves of course. Next YUM YUM coming on March the 2nd. Make sure to be around for tomorrows Kehraus Special at Registratur.
Ps. The comic book for NRW will be posted Wednesday afternoon.
All the news will be posted by Wednesday – after tomorrows hangover is gone.

YUM YUM Comic Book review of last Friday February 2nd

84563108_492829.jpgHere is our comic book Review of last friday, February 2nd, which in many ways wasn’t our usual YUM YUM. Not only due to Dj guests Marek and the “new La Boutique” crew in area 2 (Raph & Motive). Was a fun night and pretty huge too, with loads of new tunes and plenty of music that isn’t our average YUM YUM sound, so we will surely come back and hit you all with an all YUM YUM night in two weeks on February the 16th. Best tune in the No.1 song of this months Top Tune selection to have some musical background while you click through the comic book pages. Enjoy. Also, new funnies found below. ps – watch out for this weeks YUM YUM in Duesseldorf and make sure to check this weeks Newsletter with plenty of new infos and brandnew material.